Tuesday January 2nd

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Use the front door for the morning classes. going to keep the big doors closed in back. Maybe start a fire inside.

Warm up.. .hop on those rowers.. get nice and warmed up.
1000M row.
30 Overhead squats with a PVC

Strength. Back Squats
Sets of 5
do at least 3 warm up sets.

5,5,5,5,5. Slowly build up. If you finish ahead jump on a rower stay warm.

10 Rounds *this wod is supposed to have 7 chest to bar pull ups instead of 10 rower cals, you can do either. some of you might be sore for the “Angie” workout
3 Clean and Jerk (can be power clean) 205/145
5 Burpees over your bar
10 Rower cals or 10 bike cals