Warm Up- Row 500m 90 Seconds each Couch Stretch Pigeon Shoulder stretch (arm in band) Strength- Strict press EVERYONE grab an empty bar, hold proper overhead locked out position. Head through 7,7,7,7,7 Wod- 18 Minute Cap 1000 meter row buy Then Amrap of 4 Clean and Jerk 185/135 8 burpees over your bar Run 200mRead More
Warm Up- 4 rounds run 200m 20 Air squats Strength 4 sets of 10 back squats- before you start, warm up, EVERYONE grab an empty bar, sit in the bottom of your back squat, coach will fix your bottom position then 6,6,6,6,6 at 75 to 85 percent Wod 5 Rounds 25 doubles 20 wall balls...Read More
Partner Wod, wod starts at 10:15. Be ready! If you are late we don’t wait. Wod 1- 8 Minutes Amrap 7 Sits ups 7 wall balls Switch partners *each partner completes a round then switches Wod 2 8 minutes Amrap 6 power cleans 6 burpees over your bar Partner 2- Run 200m Switch when you...Read More
8 am endurance class Run or Row 400m, 400m, 400m, 800m, 800m, 400m, 400m, 400m Rest 90 seconds after 400s and 2:30 after 800m 9am Mobility is back 10am Chipper wod Partners – 30 minute cap 100 Cal Row 100 Kb Swings 100 Sit ups 100 Burpees 100 Alternation air squats.. timing is everything 100...Read More
Warm up Repeat yesterdays warm up, lets get everyone in a stretching habit. Add 30 band pull aparts today Video here Strength Back squat 4 sets of 10 at 70-80 percents push yourself Wod 5 Rounds 10 deadlifts 225/155 4 Bar Muscle ups (sub 10 pull ups) 8 Burpees over your barRead More
Warm up- Couch Stretch- 90 seconds a leg hurdler stretch 90 seconds a leg Pigeon Pose 90 Seconds a leg, Run 600 SLOW SLOW SLOW Then 1 mile time trial (run/walk if you cant run the whole thing, row 1600 only if you can’t run) Strength- Snatch EMOM Every minute on the minutes for 10...Read More
Warm Up 30 Perfect overhead squats with pvc or empty par 25 push ups Strength Bench Press- 4 sets of 10… your 9th and 10 rep should be heavy enough that you might fail Wod- Chipper with a 20 minute cap- do in order, stagger your starts in big classes. This may or may not...Read More
Warm up- Couch stretch- 90 seconds per leg 30 over head squats with PVC and with a 1 second hold at the bottom.. perfect squats 30 pass throughs Strength Front Squat- 8,8,Light 5,5 moderately increase weight 3,3,3 Heavy heavy 1,1,1 Go for a 1 rep max Wod 14 Minutes 10 Front rack lunges in place...Read More
Warm up- Run 4×200 and 3×400 Rest 60 seconds in between Strength Clean and jerk complex-Practice this complex for 10 minutes start with an empty bar and build up to your EMOM weight 10 Minute EMOM (every minute on the minutes Two Squat Cleans plus 1 jerk Wod- 7 Rounds 7 push up 7 Pull...Read More
8am Endurance Teams of 2 Row 5000m switch every 500m This is will take about 20 minutes or Individual Wod Run 5k (5000 M is 3 miles plus on ONE of your miles run all the way to the end of Bird 9am Warm up Run 1 mile Strength- 5×10 strict dumbell presses Wod...Read More