Warm up… Today your warm up is barbell work! yayyyyyy today is a strength day! If you are there early bike or row until 5 After Grab a bar 0-1 Minute 12 power position power snatches 1-3 Minutes 8 Hang position Power snatches 3-5 Minutes 6 hang position squat snatch or hang+power+ohs Strength 1- 20...Read More
Warm up- 6 Minute Partner Bike Race Minute on Minute off Rest of the warm up is weightlifting practice Empty Bar 0-2 Minutes 7 Power Position Power Cleans (Squat the second Minute) 2-4 Minutes 7 Hang Position Power cleans 4-6 Minutes 5 Hang position squat cleans Strength- Find Your Max in this complex 2 Deadlifts...Read More
Murph Practice…. AGAIN 10 Minutes Run 600m Then 5,10,15 pull ups, push ups Squats Strength Strict Press 5X40% 5×50% 3×55% 5X60% 5%65% AMRAP at %70 Review Dumbbell Thruster Wod: For time, fast and heavy: 21 dumbbell thrusters Run 400 meters 18 dumbbell thrusters Run 400 meters 15 dumbbell thrusters Run 400 meters Scroll for scaling...Read More
We are on a deload week from the strength cycles. Next week your working weights go up! Warm up- 25 Perfect Air squats 25 Perfect Push ups Then 7 Minutes Of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats Strength:Back Squat 5X40% 5×50% 3×55% 5X60% 5%65% AMRAP at %70 Wod- For time Run 400M (or...Read More
Sunday Funday Happy Mothers Day to all the Train Harder Moms! Wods will be inside.. it’s supposed to rain. Partner Wod 2 Minutes Per Station- Max reps at each station 3 times through all of this Station 1- Kb Swings Station 2- Row for Cals Station 3 Burpees Station 4 Clean and Jerk 135/95 Station...Read More
Endurance 8am Run- we can do these all on the post office road 200×2 with 1 minute rest 400X3 with 90 second rest 800×2 with 2 Minute rest 400×3 with 90 second rest 200×2 with 1 minute rest 9am Mobility 10am Chipper ——-2 Person Teams——– 100 wall balls 90 sit ups 80 Push ups 70...Read More
Warm up 5 minute row 2 minutes per leg couch stretch 20 Weighted good morning Pesos Muertos (dead lifts) The numbers below are based off of 90 percent of your one rep max.. get that 90 percent number than use the chart or your phone to figure out the numbers 5×40% 5×50% 3×60% 5×75% 3×85%...Read More
Warm up Bike races- Pick a partner 8 minutes- switch every minute Power position, Power clean review 0-2 10 Power clean from the power postion 2-4 10 Squat cleans from the power position. Strength Bench Press The numbers below are based off of 90 percent of your one rep max.. get that 90 percent number...Read More
Warm up- 10 Minutes of Murph Practice staring at 5 after the hour. Run 800 (or 400 If you running isnt your thing) 5 Pull ups 10 Push Ups 15 Squats Strength Strict Press The numbers below are based off of 90 percent of your one rep max.. get that 90 percent number than use...Read More
Warm Up of 5 minute bike 20 OHS with A PVC 40 Overhead walking lunges with a pvc Grab an empty bar… over the next three weeks we will break this lift down 0-2 Minutes 10 Power Snatches from the power position 2-4 Minutes 8 squat snatches starting from the power position *confused.. dont worry,...Read More