Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. If you are late jump into class where the rest of the class is. We are finishing a lot of work in an hour, don’t fall behind. If you are there early stretch, row, run or work on a skill. Warm Up- Overhead Squat...Read More
Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. Stretch or row or run if you are there early. If you are there late (which happens more in the summer) jump into class at that point. Don’t fall behind. Warm up- 4 Rounds 5 Strict Pull Ups 10 push Ups 15 Squat Run...Read More
Meet at the board at the top of the hour. If you are there early DONT start your warm up. work on your weaknesses or mobilize. everyone has 100 unbroken double unders right? Everyone has weighted pistols, pull ups, perfect push ups right?? there is plenty to work on for everyone no matter what level...Read More
Come in, get a bar ready, warm up. Be ready to go by 10:10 Tampa Bay Games Floater Wod practice Wod 1 Teams Of 2 Partner 1 does a minute of cleans Partner 2 does a minute of clean and jerks Rest 3 minutes The switch so you can see who does better at what...Read More
It’s that time. 8am Endurance- There is a reason a track is 400 meters around… because running 400’s makes you a better runner! Hate Running- 6×400 with 90 break.. push yourself. these should all be at a fast pace Kind of like Running 8×400 with 90 second break Like running 10×400 with 90 second break....Read More
Warm Up- 5 minute row, then SQUAT THERAPY 25 air squats against the wall THEN 25 ohs with pvc Grab a bar 0-2 minutes 8 Power position power snatch 2-4 8 Hang position power snatch 4-6 8 hang position full snatch plus or hang power snatch plus OHS Strength- Sets of 2 (no dropping the...Read More
Warm up run 800 30 weighted good mornings 25 Light Light deadlifts Strength- DeadLift- Add 10 pounds onto the number you have been using the last 4 weeks, use 90 percent of that with the percentages below. 5x 40%, 5X50%, 3×60%, 5×75%, 5×80%, Amrap at 85% Wod Complete as many rounds as possible in...Read More
Warm up 4 rounds run 200m 5 pull ups 10 Push ups 15 air squat Strength- Bench Press- Add 5 pounds onto the number you have been using the last 4 weeks, use 90 percent of that with the percentages below. 5x 40%, 5X50%, 3×60%, 5×75%, 5×80%, Amrap at 85% WATCH THE VIDEO WITH...Read More
All Strength Day! Warm up- 5 Minutes Bike 40 Pass Throughs Quickly review the Strict press. Review the Hang Clean 0-2 minutes 8 front squats 2-4 Minutes 6 Power position squat clean 4-6 minutes 6 Hang position squat clean Strength- Strict Press- Add 5 pounds onto the number you have been using the last 4...Read More
Last 3 weeks of using our sheets for strength. We will still be doing strength work after this, just a different format. Warm up. 5 Minute row 40 Pass Throughs 30 OHS with a PVC Pipe Grab a bar 20 ohs with an empty bar Strength- Back Squat- Add 10 pounds onto the number you...Read More