8am Endurance- Partner Endurance Pick your poison- Bike or Rower 35 Minutes, as many calories as possible. 1 person bikes or rows, 1 person runs 600 (the end of the sidewalk) Switch off and on. Score is calories +every run counts as 10 points. so mark your runs when you get in. 9 am Mobility...Read More
You know those hamstrings on the back of your legs. Lets go ahead and get those warmed up 800 meter slow run 20 Weighted good mornings 20 Light, light light deadlifts MAX DEADLIFT DAY If you are not comfortable maxing out, go for a 3 rep max and we can get a good idea...Read More
MAX BENCH PRESS DAY- Warm Up 4 Rounds 10 cal bike 10 push ups. If you are not comfortable maxing out, go for a 3 rep max and we can get a good idea of your regular max. 2 sets of light bench presses then 5@50%, 5@60%, 3@75%, 3@85% Then start your singles until you...Read More
STRICT PRESS MAX OUT Lets get those shoulders warm. Warm up 90 Seconds each shoulder in a band Then 3 Rounds 5 Pull ups 10 Push Ups 10 Empty Bar presses If you are not comfortable maxing out, go for a 3 rep max and we can get a good idea of your regular max....Read More
MAX OUT WEEK, Warm Up Row 5 Minutes- 30 squat therapy squats against the wall Grab a bar and head to the rack USE SPOTTERS THIS WEEK! THESE ARE MAXES. If you are not comfortable maxing out, go for a 3 rep max and we can get a good idea of your regular max. 2...Read More
“Catalina Wine Mixer” Changing it up today. Partners will be picked at random. Don’t be shy! 800M Run Warm up Then 5 stations 3 rounds of this, one partner works at a time! Team work.. if someone is dying out, pick up the slack Jack. 2 Minutes of Wall Balls 2 Minutes of Rowing 2...Read More
Tonight is Party Night https://www.facebook.com/events/2067901483476965/ 8am Endurance Train Harder Triathlon Run 2 miles Row 2k Bike 5 miles on the assault bike Scaling- Run 1 Mile Row 1k Bike 2.5 Miles 9am Mobility 10am- “The Bill” Happy Birthday Bill! This workout is dedicated to you! Show up and find out what it is. It’s...Read More
Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. If you are early DON’T start the warmup. Stretch, bike, run, row or work on a weakness…. doubles.. pull ups…. pistols…. so many to chose from. Warm up- Lets jump right into deadlifts so you have a little time to recover for “Fight Club”...Read More
Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. If you are early DON’T start the warmup. Stretch, bike, run, row or work on a weakness…. doubles.. pull ups…. pistols…. so many to chose from. Warm up- 4 Rounds 10 Rower Cals 15 Push ups Strength- Bench Press DO NOT add 5 pounds...Read More