800m Run or 1000m Row Then
10 Snatch Deadlifts*
10 Snatch Pulls
10 OHS
5 High Hang Squat Snatch
5 Low Hang Squat Snatch
5 Squat Snatches *All done with light weight
8 sets of 1 Snatch at 80 to 90 percent. A few sets to build to that then keep it heavy.
AMRAP 3 Minutes x 4
25/20 Calorie Row or bike
max reps DB snatches alternating in remaining time 70/50
Rest 3:00 between rounds
*score is DB snatches
*Athletes should have at least 1 minute left for dumbbell snatches. Some will have much longer. Cals may need to be adjusted for scaling. Practice a row or bike interval to be sure you have time for the rope works