Wednesday March 25th

Time to have some fun. This is going to be tough.
For the warm up lets do
5 rounds
100m run
5 pull ups (or barbell rows)
10 squats
5 dips on a chair or bench.. be careful!

*please read the several versions of this workout. They are similar but equipment will effect rep count

20 Minute Emom (5 rounds) This entire version can be done with 1 Dumbbell
Min. 1) Max reps of DB Floor Press (right arm only)
Min. 2) Max reps of DB Bent Over Row (right arm only)
Min. 3) Max reps of DB Floor Press (left arm only)
Min. 4) Max reps of DB Bent Over Row (left arm only)
Rest 3-4min.
15min. AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
10 DB Burpee Deadlifts 45/30s
**Here is the version if you have just a barbell
20 Minute Emom
Min 1 Max Reps barbell floor press
min 2 Max Rep bent over rows with barbell
Min 3 plank Hold
Min 4 Air squats

Rest 3-4 minutes
15 minutes Armap
30 Doubles or 30 weighted steps ups , 30 jumping jacks
10 deadlifts. moderate weight
10 burpees over your bar!