1:30 Lat Smash/side
4 Rounds
100m Run
9 Gymnastic Kips
6 S. Arm Devil’s Press
3 S. Arm DB Front Squat (OH squat on rounds 3-4 if mobility allows)
15 minutes emom
1 Tempo Snatch DL to Knee + 1 Tempo Snatch DL to Power Position + 1 Power Snatch
*without putting the bar down
*Tempo is 2 seconds on DL to knee, 3 seconds on DL to Power positon, then 1 power snatch is from the floor at full speed
7 Rounds
7 Devils Presses 50/35lbs*
100m Run
7 Toes to bar
100m Run
*Perform 1 fewer Devils Press each round
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 11-15 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-11 Minutes
- Devils Press: Reduce loading before reps. A good way to do this in very busy classes where there might not be enough DBs is to partner with someone on just devil presses and do “you go, i go.” you might end up moving faster doing it this way
- Toes to Bar: 1 Set is what we are looking for. Scale to 4, 5, or 6 reps to keep athletes moving. If Toes to Bar aren’t possible scale to kipping knee raises or V-Ups
- Run: 100 m row for each 100m run, or 50 Double Unders,
Coach Focus: Each round should not exceed 2:00 of work on average. Devils presses will get slightly faster from round to round, but should not exceed 1 minute of work in any round. Toes to bar should be one set and coaches should remind athletes to aggressively close their shoulders, using their lats, to close the gap between the pull up bar and the feet. Lastly, remind athletes to push the run from start to finish.
EMOM for
6 Minutes
10/7 Calorie Row
5-15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (or a sub you can string together at least 5 pulls unbroken)