Monday December 6th

2:00 Hanging Shoulder Opener (1:00 per arm)
20 Squats
AMRAP 4 Minutes
10 Empty Bar Thrusters
8 Lateral Burpees
20 Single Unders (Double Unders or attempts after round 1)

EMOM 2 Minutes
6 Gymnastic Kips on Rings or bar
EMOM 2 Minutes|
3 Turnovers (muscle up w/o dip)
EMOM 2 Minutes
1-3 Burpee Muscle Ups or burpee pull ups
*If unable to turnover on high rings practice ring transitions on low rings w/ feet on the ground.

AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 Thrusters 135/95lbs
6 Burpee Muscle Ups
75 Double Unders

Feel: Gas/Muscular Overload

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 4+ Rounds

Firebreather Score: 6+ Rounds


  • Thrusters: Reduce loading to keep to no more than 3 sets for the entire workout. Coaches should be careful not to over scale the weight, this will change the stimulus dramatically if too light.
  • Burpee Muscle Ups: Should not exceed 1:30 in any round. Scale to the most difficult burpee + pull up variant
  • Double Unders: 60-seconds of practice each round, or Single Unders

Coach Focus: Today’s 20 Minute workout is meant to make athletes feel a bit “stuck” at each station but should still allow for a round every 3:30-4:30. Before we recommend practicing a mini-round (like 5-3-30 reps) to establish with your athletes how these movements affect one another prior to starting.

Nice “Full send” extra piece that can really be done any day of the week
For Time
28/21 Calorie Ski
Rest 4:00
28/21 Calorie Ski