Warm UpAMRAP 5 Minutes25 ft High Knees10 Air Squats w/ med ball1 sled push (25 feet)>>Clean Progressions prior to strength :15 StrengthEMOM 8 MinutesClean Complex 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean at 70% of Hang Clean :30 WOD For time50-40-30-20-10Med Ball Cleans 20/14 *One sled push down and back between rounds, 25 feet...Read More
WARM UP 3 Rounds 200 M Run 10 Empty Bar Good Mornings 10 KB RDL :15 STRENGTH EMOM 10 Min6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull with KB Weight should be challenging but remain unbroken. Wide stance, narrow grip, knees tracking over toes, extend legs/hips before shrug, arms straight in shrug, bar stays close to body, heels...Read More
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