Sunday FundayBasic body weight stuff. Get out, get moving. Some awesome workouts lined up next week. Today is not a race. its about move for 20 minutes and a steady pace and getting on with your day. Warm Up. 3 Rounds 200 M Run10 Lunges 10 push ups Wod- 20 Minutes Amrap200M Run15 No push...Read More
Saturday Run Day2 Options First choice- sprints3×400 with 90 second rest 1×800 with 3 Minute rest 3x 400 with 90 second rest OR Run 5k on this nice day—————————————————————————————————–Workout Wod 1-7 Minutes Amrap10 Barbell or Dumbbell Hang Cleans (5 each arm if you only have 1 dumbbell20 Air squats Rest 3 Minutes Wod 2 7...Read More
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