2 Sets: For Quality
1:00 Machine of Choice
10 Air Squats
8 Cat-Cows
10 Scapular Pull-Ups
10 Banded Pass-Throughs
12 Banded Pull-Aparts
Specific Skill Work: (8-10 minutes)
Bar Muscle-Up Progression
Specific Warm-Up (6-8 minutes)
2-3 Sets
2 Burpee Pull-Ups or 1-2 Bar Muscle-Ups
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch @ Building to Workout Loads *Focus on patterns and switching hands
2-4 Push-Ups
2-4 Toe to Bar or Kipping Knees to Chest
3 Push Press @ Building to Workout Loads
5/4 Calorie Bike
4 Sets x 5:00 AMRAP / 2:30 Rest
Alternating Stations
Station 1:
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
9 Push-Ups
Station 2:
6 Toe to Bar
9 Push Press
9/7 Calorie Echo Bike or 10/8 Calorie Bike Erg
Dumbbell: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Barbell: 95/65lb, 43/30kg
Level 2:
4 Sets x 5:00 AMRAP / 2:30 Rest
Alternating Stations
Station 1:
3 Burpee Pull-Ups
6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
9 Push-Ups
Station 2:
6 Toe to Bar
9 Push Press
9/7 Calorie Echo Bike or 10/8 Calorie Bike Erg
Dumbbell: 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Barbell: 75/55lb, 34/25kg
Level 1:
4 Sets x 5:00 AMRAP / 2:30 Rest
Alternating Stations
Station 1:
3 Burpee Jumping Pull-Ups
6 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch
9 Elevated Push-Ups
Station 2:
6 Knees to Chest
9 Push Press
9/7 Calorie Echo Bike or 10/8 Calorie Bike Erg
Dumbbell: 30/20lb, 14/9kg
Barbell: 45/35lb, 20/15kg
Goal: 2-3 Rounds / 5:00 AMRAP
Stimulus: Upper Body / Gymnastics Density
RPE: 8/10
Focus on sustained cyclical output at a high intensity, but with pacing always being in the back of your head and power output staying consistent throughout.
Primary Objective: Develop stamina and capacity for mixed gymnastics, barbell cycling, and machine work while sustaining quality movement under fatigue.
Secondary Objective: Build proficiency in transitions and maintain steady pacing throughout both stations, minimizing unnecessary rest.
Coaching Notes and Strategy:
Station 1:
Aim for unbroken sets of Bar Muscle-Ups. This is a good day today to work on jumping right up into each set with very limited transition time.
For the Alternating Dumbbell Snatch use smooth, controlled transitions between hands. Prioritize power from the hips and maintain a neutral spine.
Break the Push-Ups into smaller sets if needed to avoid failure. Focus on full range of motion and consistent pacing.
Station 2:
Focus to maintain smooth kip swings and create constant tension throughout each rep of Toe to Bar, looking for quick unbroken sets throughout.
On the Push Press use your legs to drive the bar overhead and focus on a strong lockout. Keep the bar close and avoid excessive leaning back.
Push Bike for consistent RPM, aiming for a controlled but aggressive pace to avoid burning out.