8:00 minutes, For Quality
1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)
5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch
10 Tall Muscle Cleans
10/10 Staggered Stance Barbell Good Morning
3-5 + 1 Pogo Jump to Vertical Jump


Back Squat
Every 2:30 minutes, 5 Sets, Complete the following:
Set 1: 5 @ 70%
Set 2: 4 @ 75%
Set 3: 3 @ 80%
Set 4: 2 @ 85%
Set 5: 1 @ 90%
Percentages are based on your 1-rep max Back Squat

For Time:
Front Squats
Shoulder to Overhead
Barbell: 115/75lb, (52/34kg)

The above is 75 reps of each movement. That’s a lot of volume. You will use one bar for this workout. the deadlifts and squats are meant to be on the lighter side and the shoulder to overhead will be your limiter. You should still be able to be do big sets of s2oh with the weight you pick.

Scaling 95/65 or less for weight
21,15,12,9 for the reps.
If you are lacking a good front rack position with a barbell you can do this workout with dumbbells.

Goal Time Domain:
11:00-15:00 minutes
Time Cap:
18:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Big sets on all movements. We are looking to complete each set
with less than 3 breaks per round.

Strategy: Work at a pace that you feel is sustainable from the onset as this is 75 reps of each
barbell movement and will surely pack a punch. We should have a plan of how we are moving from each movement into the other as one is meant to transition very quickly
into the next movement. This could mean doing 15, then 9, then 3 deadlifts and
performing a hang clean into the front rack or even just doing a hang squat clean into
the first Front Squat and working into the reps until you are close to 21 reps. Then
having a small break in order to perform a squat clean thruster for the final rep of front
squats and the first rep of the shoulder to overhead. This would allow you a seamless
and smooth transition through the workout if you have planned breaks and transitions
between the movements and the rounds.

8:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movements
Minute 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 20/20 second Samson Stretch
Minute 3: 8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 8 Bar Kip Swings
Minute 4: 10 Med Ball Cleans + 10 Med Ball slams

Skills and Progression
Toe to Bar Technique and Efficiency
-Kip Swing, Hollow to Arch positions
-Strict Knee Raises to maximum height with active lat position
-Kipping Knee to Chest
-Alternating Toes to Target
-Kipping Toes to Target
-Alternating Toe to Bar
-Toe to Bar
****This is the progression we like to go through and a way for athletes to hit each level and keep working up until they reach their correct scaling modification for the day.*****

For Time:
15 Toes to Bar
90 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar
60 Wall Balls (10/9ft)
15 Toes to Bar
45/36 Calorie Row
15 Toes to Bar
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
15 Toes to Bar
15 Devils Press
Dumbbells: 50/35
Wallball: 20/14lb

Goal Time: 18:00-23:00 minutes
Time Cap: 25:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Complete under the Cap
Secondary Objective: Keep each round on toes to bar to under 3 sets, ideally 1-2


This workout is all about pacing and understanding yourself when it comes to the
pace you need to set out at during the Toe to Bar. We are looking to maintain big
sets here and consistent sets. Each movement that comes between the sets of Toe
to Bar should be tackled with the goal of maintaining small manageable sets with
small rest periods between to allow for consistency throughout the entire shipper.
The row sandwiched in here today should be tackled at around 70-75% as it will pay
off more to push the Burpees and Devils Press coming later down the line.

*scaling options
-Lower the toes to bar to 10 reps or do 15 of one of the progressions we practiced.
-lowering the weight on anything is a good scaling option
-burpees NOT over your dumbell is a scaling option

2 Sets, For Quality:
1:00 minute Machine of Choice (Easy pace)
10/10 Single Arm Kettlebell Russian Swings, Light Load
10 Alternating Bird-Dogs
5 Broad Jumps
2-3 Sets , with an Empty Barbell
3 Hang Muscle Snatch
3 Snatch Grip Push Press
3 Snatch Balance
3 Squat Snatch

Weightlifting : Snatch Complex
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat
Every 90 seconds, 10 Sets
Sets 1-4: 2+1+1 @ 60-70%
Sets 5-7: 1+2+1 @ 70-80%
Sets 8-10: 1+1+1 @ 80-85%

16:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movements
minute 1: 8/6 Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups
minute 2: 10/7 Strict Pull-Ups
minute 3: 12 Dumbbell Bench Press 50/35lb, 22.5/16kg
minute 4: Max Calorie Echo Bike

We are looking to tackle reps on the Wall Facing Handstand Push-Up and Strict Pull-Up
that can be done in 2-3 sets as well as be completed in 45 seconds. These are the two
focal movements of the day with the secondary priority being the weight on the Dumbbell
Bench and the Calories on the Bike. The goal for these should be to find a load for the
Dumbbell that allows for unbroken reps, and find a pace on the Bike that allows you to
hit consistent calories in 45-50 seconds then a 10 second transition to the wall.
Remember that the focus is on the Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups, so be
conservative on the Bike to allow for better consistency here.

Scaling Options:

  • Strict hspu not facing the wall, kipping isn’t exactly what we are looking for today but if you are good those you could do them, just do a few more reps. Strict strength is the focus today.
  • Seated Dual Dumbbell Strict Press: This alternative is suitable if you’re working on building the
    necessary strength or if you’re unable to perform the handstand due to mobility or balance issues. Sit
    upright and press two dumbbells overhead, maintaining a strict form without using momentum.
  • Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups: Another scaling option that allows for a similar range of motion and
    body position to the Wall Facing Handstand Push-Up but with less weight and balance required. Place
    your feet on a box and form a pike position, then perform the push-up motion.

Running Clock today so pace yourself.
warm up will be on the board

In teams of 2
Row 500 (split how you want)
40 Clean and Jerks 135/95

Row 500
Straight into 3 rounds of
Run 400 meters TOGETHER
42 kb swings
24 Pull ups
Row 500
Then 150 wall balls to finish.

We have a time cap in mind but we will tell you tomorrow.

8am Endurance-
Teams of 3-40 Minute Amrap
Teams will work through the 3 machines completing 60 Calories on each machine, splitting the cals how they want, before moving to the next machine
At 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35 minutes mark all the teammates will stop and complete 20 sand bag cleans and 20 burpees, in that order, split how they want. only 1 partner works at a time.
You are shooting for under a minute on the sandbags and under a minute on the burpees. we can adjust the number for each team.

9am CrossFit- There are 2 wods, one is below the video.
Coaches choice warm up
Toes Shoes To Bar
3 Min Max Cal Row Buy In 
Both athletes split the row and may change out as they need. 
9 Minute AMRAP 
10 Thrusters (Can be split between partners)
10 Toes to Bar (Can be split between partners)
10 Synchro Lateral Bar Over Burpees

Partner wod
Amrap 14 Minutes- split how you want
30 power cleans 155/115
20 Shoulder to over head
10 Muscle ups, ring or bar, burpee pull up for a sub

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