Still temporarily closed.
Watch the facebook page this week for updates about the gym.

Here’s a fun one you can do at home with a db or barbells.
Be sure to warm up with a run and some db or barbell snatches at a light weight

5 Rounds for time
20 Alternating Db snatches OR 10 barbell snatches
Run 400 meter (or row or ski)

At home workout

Warm up-
warm up
3 rounds
run 1 minute (30 seconds out, 30 seconds back)
10 push ups
10 sit ups

Strength if you have a barbell at home
5 sets of 4 front squats at about 75 percent

5 rounds
In 2 minutes perfrom
-20 kb swings or 20 db hang clean and press (10 each arm)
-then in the remainder of the 2 minutes burpees over your dumbbell
Rest 1 minute then repeat.

Gym is closed this week.
try this at home workout

Amrap 7 minutes
12 single arm db thrusters (5 each side)
12 sit ups

Rest 5
7 minute amrap
12 single arm db snatches
12 push ups

At home workout to try. Gym is closed this week.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 23 minutes:

16 shuttle runs (each 25-ft length is 1 rep)
9 bar-facing burpees
3 power cleans

125 lb 185 lb

Scale weight
If you have only dbs do db power cleans. If you have only a single db do 3 or 6 on each side from the hang depending on the weight of your DB do more with lighter weight or less with heavier weight.

Workout at Keystone park 8am
17928 Gunn Hwy, Odessa, FL
There will be sandbags and teams of 2 or 3 depending on how many show up.

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