2 Rounds or 8:00 minutes
2:00 Cardio of choice (60sec ez, 40sec mod, 20sec hard)
25ft/side SA Bottoms Up KB Carry
8/side Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
5 x (2 Push-Up + 4 Mountain climber lunges)

We have a fun strength superset today with the goal of starting minute 1 with either the Deadlift or the Push Press. We are assuming that most classes will need to run this one with members sharing bars, so one partner should start on one movement while the other works on the other movement. We have allotted minute 3 as the rest minute for two purposes. One to load the bar to the next working weight and two to allow athletes time to rest and hit the next set optimally.

15:00 minute EMOM, Alternating Movements
minute 1: Deadlift
minute 2: Push Press
minute 3: Rest
1 x 5 @ 70%
1 x 4 @ 75%
1 x 3 @ 80%
1 x 2 @ 85%
1 x 1 @ 90%
Push Press
1 x 5 @ 70%
1 x 4 @ 75%
1 x 3 @ 80%
1 x 2 @ 85%
1 x 1 @ 90%


10:00 minute AMRAP
8 Handstand Push-Ups
14 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lb, (22.5/16kg)
20/16 Calorie Row

Primary Objective: Complete 4+ Rounds
Secondary Objective: Keep transitions between movements to under 10 seconds
throughout the duration of the workout

Athlete Notes and Strategy:
This workout is a shorter one with the goal of trying to push the pace from the onset.
Attack the handstand push-ups in 2 sets or less, strive to go unbroken on the Dumbbell
Snatch and push the pace on the rower to finish at or within 5 seconds of the minute.
The goal is to keep each round consistent across at 2:30 or faster / round

10:00 minutes : For Quality
:30 second Machine of Choice
8 Bar or Ring Kip Swings
10 Alternating V-Ups
10 Alternating Scorpions

Skills and Drills
Ring Muscle ups skills or work on your pull ups and dips. Progressions will be different for everyone, examples on board and the coach will help you
*don’t automatically avoid todays workout because it says “muscle ups”
not everyone has muscles ups. there are more people that DON’T have muscle ups than do. We always have an alternate movement. That’s the beauty of CrossFit. Everything is scalable.

18:00 AMRAP
6 Ring Muscle-Ups
12/9 Calorie Echo
54 Double Unders (72 singles)

*scale to assisted rings or bar or strict pull ups and dip (banded or unbanded)
Primary Objective: Complete each movement unbroken
Secondary Objective: Complete 6+ Rounds

We are tackling a workout today that is meant to be very steady with the focus of
choosing a workout option and scaling that allows for a good amount of volume to be
attained without long rest periods. The Muscle-Ups are at a volume where we should
see this done in 2 sets or less with the rep scheme of 6, 4-2, or 3-3. We will then move
into a short bout on the bike, before tackling a moderate amount of dubs to finish off
each set. Start at a smart conservative pace and maintain for the duration

Sunday Funday – teams
Wods will be on the board
wod 1 will be synchronized single db thrusters and rowing

Wod 2-
9 Min Amrap- split how you want
20 Deadlifts 185/135
20 Toes to bar

Wod 3 will be
clean and jerks and synchronized burpees

8am Endurance. Teams of 3
45 minutes Amrap
Buy In (only do this once)
800m walk/run
-one partner carries a sandbag, one partner carries 2 KB’s, one partner carries nothing
*switch anytime, when you switch do 3 burpees each

After completing the 800 start the following. 1 partner working at a time
Bike Cals
Row Cals
Ski Cals
*every time you switch spots on the machine, all 3 teammates do 3 burpees
Cals are as follows
M,M,M 70 cals per machine
F,F,F 60 cals per machine
MMF or FFM team 65 cals per machine

3 Rounds for Time, In teams of 3 as a waterfall
500m Run
25 Power Snatch 75/55lb, (34/25kg)
25 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

8am Endurance. Teams of 3
45 minutes Amrap
Buy In (only do this once)
800m walk/run
-one partner carries a sandbag, one partner carries 2 KB’s, one partner carries nothing
*switch anytime, when you switch do 3 burpees each
After completing the 800 start the following. 1 partner working at a time
Bike Cals
Row Cals
Ski Cals
*every time you switch, all 3 teammates do 3 burpees
Cals are as follows
M,M,M 70 cals per machine
F,F,F 60 cals per machine
MMF or FFM team 65 cals per machine

3 Rounds for Time, In teams of 3 as a waterfall
500m Run
25 Power Snatch 75/55lb, (34/25kg)
25 Box Jump Overs 24/20”

Flow: Partner one will begin on the run as partners 2 and 3 wait to start the workout, once
partner 1 is back from the run, partner 2 can proceed on the run, where partner 1 will start
the Power Snatch and Partner 3 will wait until partner 2 is back from the run. Once partner
2 is back from the run, partner 3 will start and partner 2 can start on the Power Snatch,
assuming Partner 1 is off the bar and onto the Box Jump Overs.
Here’s where it gets fun. Once partner 1 is finished with the Box Jump Overs, they can start
out on the run even if partner 3 is not back yet. But no one can move onto the station of the
Power Snatch and the Box Jumps if a partner is on that movement. Essentially the rest of
the workout is trying to outrun your partners and keep the flow of the workout going without
being caught and causing any rest periods.

4 minutes cardio then coach lead barbell warm up

Squat or power Snatch
5 snatches @ 70%
2 sets of 4 Snatches @ 75%
2 sets of 3 Snatches @ 80%
2 set of 2 Snatches @ 85%
2 sets of 1 Snatch @ 90%

This is going to take a little while. Its squat or power but the workout is a little bit shorter so focus on this strength. Don’t “save it for the workout” as they say.

For time
800m Run
20 Snatches 155/115 or 135/95 or 95/65. We’ll find a weight that works for you


Wod- For time
Run 800m
50 alt db snatches

1 70 71 72 73 74 532