3:00 minutes Cardio Choice
2 Sets, For Quality
10 Plank Hip Drops
5/5 Single Arm Ring Rows, Easy to moderate position
50m high knees, 50 meter butt kicks

Gymnastics Skills and Drills
Rope Climb + Toe to Bar Skills and Drills
Spend 10:00-15:00 minutes Prepping for the Workout

3 Rounds
400m Run
25 Toe to Bar
400m Run
6-5-4 Rope Climbs
Time Domain: 18:00-25:00
Time Cap: 27:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete each set of Toe to Bar and Rope Climbs in under 2:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Complete each run @ 5k pace to 5k + 15sec/mile (+7/k) pace

2-3 Sets, For Quality
1:00 Row (15sec Arms Only, 15sec Body + Arms, 15sec Legs and Body, 15 sec Full Stroke)
6/6 Half Kneeling KB Windmill
2 Wall Walks + :10sec Nose to Wall Hold
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows
10 ring push ups

Bench Press
Every 2:30 minutes, 5 Sets
3 Reps @ 80-85%
3 Reps @ 80-85%
2 Reps @ 85%+
2 Reps @ 85%+
1 Rep @ 90%+
Percentage is based on your 1-rep max Bench Press

14:00 minute AMRAP
**No Throwing Dumbells!! It wrecks the dumbbells and the rubber flooring**
if you can’t control a db to the floor its too heavy
2,000m Row Buy-In
-directly into10-20-30… Alternating DB Snatch, 70/50lb
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”/20”
Score: Total Reps after Buy-In

This is TEAMPRVN Bench mark workout

Primary Objective: Complete the round of 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch + 15 Burpee
Box Jump Overs
Secondary Objective: Complete the Row @ 5k Pace
Stimulus: Muscular Endurance + Stamina / Lactate Threshold Intensity

Athlete Notes and Strategy: We would like the row to be just at 5k intensity with the goal to finish strong, allowing
for a consistent pace and enabling the athletes to get right into the Alternating
Dumbbell Snatch + Burpee Box Jump Overs. We are looking for the sets on the DB
Snatch to be in sets of 5-10 reps at a time while maintaining proper mechanics. For the
Burpees Box Jump Overs, stay moving and low to the box. Be sure to turn on top of the
box, transitioning into the next movement without a hiccup. Push the pace and get after
it today!.

2 Sets or 8:00 minutes
10/7 Calorie Echo Bike
6 Inchworm to Hollow Body
12 Alternating V-Ups
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges
:15 Hollow Hold

Gymnastics + Weightlifting
10:00 minute EMOM
minute 1: Bar Muscle-Up Drill **see below, pick one or two
minute 2: 1 Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats
Building from 70% of Squat Clean to Heavy for the Day

Bar Muscle-Up Drills + Progressions
1) 8-10 Bar Kip Swings, building height with each kip swing
2) 2-3 Toenail Spot Bar Muscle-Up
3) 2-3 Bar Muscle-Up Hip Pop Swing
4) 1-2 Banded Hip to Bar Drill
5) 1-2 Banded Bar Muscle-Ups , Light to moderate band
Other Gymnastics Drills + Skills , Newer Athletes
1) Hollow Rocks + Arch Rocks
2) Hollow Rock to Hip Extension
3) Scapular Pull-Ups
4) Active + Passive Hangs
5) Banded Hollow Body Pull-Over

4 Sets, For Max Reps
3:00 minute AMRAP
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Front Squats, 185/125lb, (84/57kg)
-Max Calorie Echo Bike
1:30 Rest Between Rounds
Score: Total Echo Calories

Primary Objective: Complete the Bar Muscle-Ups and Front Squats in under 2:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Increase calories on each and every set.
Stimulus: Gymnastics Conditioning + Quad Pump / V02 Max

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy: We are looking to keep the Bar Muscle-Ups to a quick couple sets of either 6-4, or 5-5
with the possibility of moving to 3-3-2 on the Bar before hitting a Sq or uat Clean into 10
unbroken Front Squats. The goal here is to manage the transitions to be able to hit the
10 Bar Muscle-Ups + 10 Front Squats in under 1:30 to allow for about 1:30 on the Bike
to finish each set. Knowing that we have 1:30 on the bike will tell you that this is a
submaximal effort on the bike and ideally we are looking to increase pace across all 4

Today, we have several scaling options available to accommodate different skill levels: banded bar
muscle-ups, box bar muscle-ups, low bar banded bar muscle-ups, or burpee pull-ups. Each of these
variations is designed to help you develop the necessary skills and strength for a full bar muscle-up

Teams of 2
Wod 1
`12 Minutues
24 Wall Balls
24 Burpees
24 DB sntachtes

Wod 2
9 minutes
5 STOH 185/125lb, 135/95lb, 95/65 
10 Ring Row/ Pull Ups /BMU
10 STOH 
10 Ring Row/ Pull Ups /BMU 
15 STOH 
10 Ring Row/ Pull Ups /BMU 
20 STOH  
10 Ring Rows/ Pull Ups/ BMU 

Keep increasing the shoulder to oh by 5

Wod 3
Row 50 cals
10 sand bags over your box to partner
Row 40 Cals
10 sanbags over your box to partner
row 30 cals
10 sandbags
row 20
10 sandbags
row 10
10 Sandbags

9 minute cap

2 Sets, For Quality
1:00 minute Cardio Choice
10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
10 Kettlebell Taters
:30 second KB Dead-Bug
10 Alternating Bird-Dog w/ Pause at Extension

Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
1 x 4 @ 80%
1 x 3 @ 82%
1 x 3 @ 85%
1 x 2 @ 87%
1 x 2 @ 90%
Percentage is based on your 1-rep max Deadlift

Squat Clean “Elizabeth”
For Time:
Squat Cleans 135/95lb, (61/43kg)
Ring Dips

Time Domain: 7:00-11:00 minutes
Time Cap: 15:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Complete the workout in sub 10:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Keep the Squat Clean reps to under 5 seconds per rep. This would
mean that we are completing the round of 21 reps in under 1:45. This will keep us
progressing and in the time domain we are looking for.

1 68 69 70 71 72 540