Warm up
3 Minutes on a machine
3 Rounds
1:00 banded glute steps
15 Good Mornings with a pvc
10 deadlifts adding a little bit of weight each round

We will let you build up to your deadlift starting weight then

Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
Set 1: 3 Reps@ 82%
Set 2: 2 Reps @ 85%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 87%
Set 4: 1 Rep @ 90%
Set 5: 1 Rep @ 95%
Percentage is based on your 1-rep max Deadlift

For Time:
American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Abmat Sit-Ups
Rest 1:00 minute
American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Abmat Sit-Ups
Time Domain: 7:00-11:00 minutes
Time Cap:12:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete the Kettlebell Swings unbroken
Secondary Objective: Complete the second set faster than the first set.
Stimulus: Midline Conditioning /Posterior Chain

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
The focus today is on midline capacity and posterior chain stamina. There are 50 reps in
each set here with only 1:00 minute between sets, to allow a quick reset before tackling
the way back down. Total volume here of 100 reps for both the KBS and the abmat
sit-ups will build, but the overall goal is to remain unbroken and stay moving throughout.
Pick a pace and only at the tail of this in the 15-10-5 range should you try to really
increase the pace and sprint to the finish.

We are closed today! Enjoy time with your family and friends. Get out and get some fitness done outside the gym!

Endurance at 8am. CrossFit at 9am AND a free trial class of adult weightlifting with Coach Nicole
We are closed tomorrow for Easter

Teams of 2- another non stop 36 minutes of work wod. getting our run on and machines
12 minute per machine (bike, ski, row)
Partner 1-Run 200m
Partner 2-machine for calories
*switch when partner 1 gets back

Warm Up
Alt. EMOM 8 Minutes
1- 5 Burpees + :15 Handstand Hold
2- 5 Burpees + :15 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
3- :30 Dead Hang into 5 Gymnastic Kips
4- :45 Machine/Shuttle Runs

Adult weightlifting with Nicole at 9am

CrossFit Workout 9am
Amrap 5 minutes… repeat 6 times.
15 Deficit HSPU 2/1″ (or Hspu or db push press) MIn 1
8 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lbs MIn 2
8 chest to bar pull ups Min 3
Max Calorie Machine in the remaining time

Score is total cals.

The Open is over but we will be doing our own Friday Night Lights this week. I’ll be grilling out. We will be giving out lots of good stuff like tshirts and sunglasses. Don’t miss out. Class schedule is the same as always in the morning. For the night classes come in anytime and do the workout between 4 and 6:30 pm. When we have enough people ready for a heat of 4 or more we will start a heat! Dont forget on Saturday we have 8am endurance, 9am crossfit and 9am free trial class of adult weightlifting.

Wod (rx weights listed, scaling options below)
24.THCF Part A
7 Minute Amrap of
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 cal row
10 sandbag clean over the shoulder 100/75
At the completion of 7 minutes
Rest 3 Minutes
The start 24.THCF Part B
3 MInutes to establish a 1 rep max of
1 Clean
2 Hang cleans
2 Front squats

Cleans can be power or squat… but if you squat your 2nd hang clean you need to do an additional 2 front squats to finish the complex

Scaling will follow the open standards as close as possible.

weights will be 65/45, cals will stay the same
sandbags over the shoulder will scaled to 75/50 for scaled divisions and 55+masters

Complex will be the same.

Don’t forget!!! The Open is over but we will be having a Friday Night Lights/Client appreciation workout tomorrow from 4pm to 6pm. Show up and jump in a heat! We will be grilling out and giving away a lot of sunglasses, shirts, and odds and ends we have here!

2 Sets, For Quality
20 second Lateral line hops
30 second Alternating Bear Position to Thoracic Bridge
40 second Forearm Plank Hold
20/20 Second Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
3 Sets
10 Alternating Barbell Reverse Lunges
5 Jumping Back Squats
Rest 1:00 minute between sets

Back Squat
Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
3 Reps @ 80-85%
3 Reps @ 80-85%
2 Reps @ 85%+
2 Reps @ 85%+
1 Rep @ 90%+
Percentage is based on your 1-rep max Back Squat

7:00 minute AMRAP
5-10-15-20… Wall Balls 20/14lb, 10/9ft

Stay unbroken on Wall Balls through the round of 20 reps. If you
make it to the round of 25, this may be the time to break strategically or suck it up and just
go for it

1 67 68 69 70 71 540