Long warm up today
15:00 minutes, For Quality
1:00 minute Cardio Choice
15 Banded Goodmornings
15 second Active Tuck Hang
8 Inchworm to Hollow
10 Hollow Rocks
30 second Wall Supported Handstand Hold


“The Octagon”
3 Sets for Total Reps:
1 Minute Bar Facing Burpee
1 Minute Deadlift
1 Minute Toes to Bar
1 Minute Shoulder to Overhead
1 Minute Calorie Echo BIke
1 Minute Rest
Barbell: 155/105

Goal: 55-65 Reps / Set
Primary Objective: Maintain a rep range of 10+ for all movements
Secondary Objective: Pick a movement you are particularly challenged with and lean into
that one today without regard to it affecting the other movements. If you are limited in Toe
to Bar, challenge yourself and work to have that be the minute that you really put the
energy into.

Stimulus: Muscular Stamina / Repetition Work/ Volume
Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy
We would like you to take this workout, less as a test, but more as a training stimulus to
see where you can place your energy and effort today. If machines are a limiter typically,
let’s focus on hitting the bike to our full capacity, knowing that this may even limit the other
movements as it will increase fatigue across all sets. If Shoulder to Overhead tend to be a
limiter, lets focus our efforts there and hit the reps with quality and try to work the entire
minute. This will help us shift our focus from just competing to training and help develop
our limiters within a workout that looks the same for all athletes, but can be very different
depending on the movements each athlete chooses to focus on

We are closed this Saturday because we are hosting the Train Harder Open Weightlifting meet. Stop out and watch. Lifting starts at 8 and will go until about 3.

3 Sets, For Quality
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
5 Tall Muscle Clean
10 Behind the Neck Barbell Front Rack Punch Throughs
10 Barbell Goodmornings
5 Tall Box Jumps

we will let you build to starting clean weight then
EMOM for 8 Minutes
1 Muscle clean + 1 hang power clean
percentage will start at about 40 percent of your 1 rep max because this is a muscle clean

For the Muscle Clean, we are looking for bar path, and turnover into a quality front rack
position. The optimal focus for this one is to think about driving up and through the bar
and having the barbell almost graze your shirt the entire way up your body. Think about
hips, then elbows as you pull the bar high and through your body.


“Hip Hop Dance Party”
[For Time]
Hang Power Clean 155/105lb, 70/48jkg
Box Jump Overs 24/20”
Rest 2:00 minutes
Hang Power Clean 135/95lb, 61/43kg
Box Jump Overs 24/20”
Rest 2:00 minutes
Hang Power Clean 115/75lb, 52/34kg
Box Jump Overs 24/20”

Time Domain: 9:00-12:00 minutes
Time Cap: 15:00 minutes

2-3 Sets, For Quality
1:00 minute, Cardio Choice
10 Cossack Squats
15-20 second Wall Facing Handstand Hold
:30sec Glute Bridge Hold
10 Bradford Press with Lockout
5 Broad Jumps For Distance

Every 2:00, 6 Sets thrusters
5 Reps @ 75%
1 Rep @ 85%
5 Reps @ 75%
1 Rep @ 90%
5 Reps @ 75%
1 Rep @ 95%
*From the Rack or the floor

In performing the Barbell Thruster from the floor, we are looking to have the
barbell either Power Cleaned or Squat Cleaned into a solid front rack position,
ensuring that the barbell is securely placed with your elbows pointing forward
and out, ahead of the bar. This setup is key for stability and efficiency.

  • As you execute the thruster, focus on maintaining a vertical posture as you
    rise from the squat. Drive powerfully through your heels to propel yourself upward vertically
  • To refine your technique and maintain a higher repetition rate, consider
    switching to Dumbbell Thrusters or reducing the weight of the barbell. This
    modification allows you to focus on perfecting your form while still engaging
    the necessary muscle groups effectively.

“High Voltage”
Every 2:00 minutes, 8 Sets
10 Handstand Push-Ups (pike box push ups or db presses)
50ft (15m) Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
8 Pull-Ups

**8 rounds would be 64 pull ups. If you haven’t done higher volume pull ups in a little while you NEED to scale this number back. We are not looking for shredded hands and arms too sore to workout tomorrow. Be smart. same applies for the handstand pushups

we are looking to find a sustainable pace across all 8 sets here with the goal of maintaining pace more so that increasing pace or just surviving. The best strategy
here is to go out at a hard sustainable pace with planned breaks and consistently
doing that from set 1-8. There are 80 reps here of Handstand Push-Ups and Pull-Ups,
along with 400ft (120m) of walking lunges which is right at the top end of volume we
would expect to push in a workout for this time domain. So expect the fatigue to build
and muscular stamina to be taxed.

3 Rounds
1:00 minute Row, Run, or Double Under (Switch each round)
10m Toy Soldiers
10/10m Lateral Lunge Walk
20m/20m A Skips

5 Sets
10 second Wall Lean Sprint
Rest 20 seconds between sprint

Wod 1st today. If you have time left after class you can do the bench press strength at the end but it is optional.

“Triple 4”
4 Rounds For Time
400m Row
40 Double Unders
400m Run
2 Minute Rest Between Rounds
Time Domain: 20:00-26:00
Time Cap: 30:00 minutes

Optional bench press strength
Bench Press
1 x 3 @ 82%
1 x 2 @ 85%
1 x 2 @ 87%
1 x 1 @ 90%
1 x 1 @ 95%

Warm up
3 Minutes on a machine
3 Rounds
1:00 banded glute steps
15 Good Mornings with a pvc
10 deadlifts adding a little bit of weight each round

We will let you build up to your deadlift starting weight then

Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
Set 1: 3 Reps@ 82%
Set 2: 2 Reps @ 85%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 87%
Set 4: 1 Rep @ 90%
Set 5: 1 Rep @ 95%
Percentage is based on your 1-rep max Deadlift

For Time:
American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Abmat Sit-Ups
Rest 1:00 minute
American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Abmat Sit-Ups
Time Domain: 7:00-11:00 minutes
Time Cap:12:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete the Kettlebell Swings unbroken
Secondary Objective: Complete the second set faster than the first set.
Stimulus: Midline Conditioning /Posterior Chain

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
The focus today is on midline capacity and posterior chain stamina. There are 50 reps in
each set here with only 1:00 minute between sets, to allow a quick reset before tackling
the way back down. Total volume here of 100 reps for both the KBS and the abmat
sit-ups will build, but the overall goal is to remain unbroken and stay moving throughout.
Pick a pace and only at the tail of this in the 15-10-5 range should you try to really
increase the pace and sprint to the finish.

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