2 Sets, For Quality
30 second Echo
30 second Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
30 second Row
30 Bootstrap Squat
30 second Lateral Shuffle
-15 second Transition between each movement

“Flow State”
40:00 minute EMOM, 8 Sets
minute 1: 13/10 Calorie Echo
minute 2: 8 Burpee Box Jump 24/20”
minute 3: 14/11 Calorie Row
minute 4: 15 Wall Balls 20/14lb, (9/6kg)
minute 5: 150m Run or 6 Shuttle Runs
Score = Rounds
You may take off a total of 5 rounds, which is 1 round per movement

The goal for the workout today should be to keep things steady and flowy, as the name
suggests. We are not looking for a workout that brings you to the brink of redline or makes you question life. Focus on trying to make the workout feel as easy as possible. We can do this by focusing on breath, cadence and movement mechanics.
For this workout the score will be total rounds which in this case are 40. You are
allowed to take one round off per movement throughout the workout, when you need
the extra breath or break. So 35-40 rounds will be the score and the goal would be to
take off a minute only when needed. This should allow us to keep the RPE lower and
have the workout remain more sustainable

3 Minute row or bike
2 sets for quality
5/5 t-spine openers
10 KB sumo deadlift highpulls
10 Knee raises
10 empty bar bench Press

We will let you build to a very light bench then start a clock
Take 15:00 minutes to Establish
1RM Bench Press

Today, we are tackling a 1RM Bench Press. The ideal rep scheme to follow would be to
hit 5 reps @ 50%, 3 Reps @ 60%, 2 Reps @ 70%, then hit singles all the way up until
102%. In order to do this appropriately the correct weight jump should be from about
95% up to 102%, rather than hitting a larger jump.
Building up in the way we suggested allows for the right amount of weight jumps and
reps to prime the system without fatiguing it along the way.
Focus on connection to the Bench and utilizing your posterior chain for an optimal
bracing pattern

“Manic Midline”
15:00 minute AMRAP
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Toe to Bar
15 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lb, 24/16kg

Primary Objective: Unbroken sets across all movements
Secondary Objective: Achieve most possible rounds + reps of the AMRAP.
Goal ~ 8+ Rounds
Stimulus: Upper Body Density / Muscular Stamina

Athlete Notes and Strategy:
Looking at the objectives above on the piece for the day, we are looking to build our
stamina here on this piece by focusing first on unbroken sets across, and secondly on
achieving the most rounds possible in the workout. Some days are like this and the
objectives may misalign with the overall “best” score on the board. The idea here is that
by focusing on unbroken sets today we can really develop greater muscular stamina
and consistency for when we choose to break more frequently for a better result.
Focus on efficiency, quality movement patterns, and developing the ability to maintain
unbroken sets.

3 Rounds
Run 100
1:00 banded glute walks
5 squat jumps
8 empty bar back squats (add weight to bar in the last 2 rounds if you want)

Take 20:00 minutes to Establish a 1RM Back Squat

Today, we are tackling a 1RM Back Squat. The ideal rep scheme to follow would be to hit
5 reps @ 50%, 3 Reps @ 60%, 2 Reps @ 70%, then hit singles all the way up until
102%. In order to do this appropriately the correct weight jump should be from about
95% up to 102%, rather than hitting a larger jump.
Building up in the way we suggested allows for the right amount of weight jumps and
reps to prime the system without fatiguing it along the way

“400 for 40”
For Time:
400m Run
40 Back Squats 135/95lb, 61/43kg
400m Run
Time: 6:00-8:00 minutes
Time Cap: 10:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in under 8:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Complete the Back Squats in 2 sets or less.
Stimulus: Leg Stamina

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
Let’s burn this one down!
The goal here will be to hit a strong pace on the run and get right into the Back Squats … the Back Squats can be taken from the floor if you are comfortable doing that.
We are ideally choosing a load that allows us to complete the sets in 2 sets or less, which would look like 25-15 or 20-20 before embarking on another 400m run. The second run is likely to start a little
sluggish, but the goal here will be to pick it up to a sprint finish by the final 200m. We are
aiming to complete each run in sub 2:00 minutes and the Back Squats in around 2:00 minutes as well. This is where we get the 6:00 minute time domain with the thought that
transitions might make this take a little longer.

Sunday Funday at 9am- parnters
Wod 1-
10 Minutes
20 wall balls
20 Alt. Db snatches

Wod 2
12 Minutes
20 Cal Row
18 Power cleans 185/135
16 Burpees over your bar

Wod 3
5 Rounds for time
20 pull ups
20 Cal Bike
6 Sled pushes

There are no classes today (Saturday). We are hosting the Train Harder Open Weightlifting meet. Stop out and check it out!

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