10:00 minutes, For Quality
1:00 minute Row or Ski Erg
6 Inchworm to Hollow
8/8 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
10/10 Single Leg Straddle Leg Lifts
8 Hollow Tuck Ups
Coach Specific Barbell Primer

Strength / Weightlifting
Every 90 seconds, 6 Sets
1 Power Clean + 3 Strict Press @ 8 RPE + 10 sec Pause Overhead

The focus here is really the overhead strength and stability with the combination of the
Strict Press and Pause Barbell Overhead Hold. The Power Clean is really meant as more
of a movement primer for the conditioning workout in order to sure up timing and
transition periods between the strength / weightlifting and the main workout of the day.

15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
45 Power Cleans 95/65lb, 43/30kg
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 3:00 minutes
15 Box Jumps 30/24”
30 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75lb, 52/34kg
15 Box Jumps 30/24”
Time Domain: 4:00-6:00 / Couplet, 11:00-15:00
Time Cap: 17:00 Running Time

Primary Objective: Complete each couplet in under 5:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Keep the sets on the barbell movements to 10+ unbroken reps.
Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Muscular Stamina.
Athlete Strategy and Workout Notes: We should plan to go out with a big unbroken set of strict handstand push-up on the first
set as there will be quite a big break during the 45 reps of power cleans at 95/65lb,
43/30kg. Realistically that weight shouldn’t scare anyone, however we are looking to
maintain big unbroken sets of linked reps here, so do not just choose to Rx this workout
because the weight is manageable for 10-15 reps. Think about it in terms of what you can
hold onto for sets of 10 unbroken with limited rest periods as we are looking to complete
the 45 reps in about 2:00 minutes.
During the transition time we will add a little load and plan to hit high box jumps with the
focus on quick singles here on the box jumps. The goal is not to rebound box jumps, but
to stay steady and consistent with your time. The hip extension fatigue will get real on the
Shoulder to Overhead so make sure to practice some efficiency here with the use of the

3 Sets, For Quality
:30/:30 Adductor Rock Backs
:30/:30 Active Deep Lunge Stretch
10 Cossack Squats *Slow and Controlled
5/5 Single Leg Pistol Step-Downs
5 Jumping Pull-Ups + 3 sec Eccentric
**we are introducing a new phrase today RPE- Rate of perceived exertion. read below.

Strength 12 min emom
Minute 1-Pause Back Squats (2sec) (RPE of 7, read below)
Minute 2: 10 Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Tall Kneeling to Standing 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Minute 3: Rest

Points of Performance-
We are going after RPE today as the prescribed rather percentages based on a recent 1RM.
RPE is Rate of perceived exertion. Scale is 1 to 10, 10 being max effort. Today we are looking for an rpe of about 6 or 7. Something that is challenging but you know are not going to miss and you know you can concentrate on perfect reps.
The goal here will be to hit 5 reps
with a 2sec pause at a moderate load with perfect form. The pause in the hole should
not be without tension in the bottom. It should be focused and tension
held throughout the lift.
We are supersetting this with a challenging hip flexor and core exercise with the Tall
Kneeling to standing movement, where the focus is on the lower abs, creating a
weight belt around the body through our transverse abdominis and staying upright
through the entire movement

3 Rounds for Time
42 Wall Balls 20/14lb, 10/9ft
21 Toe to Bar
Time Domain: 9:00-13:00 minutes
Time Cap: 15:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete each round of the workout in around 4 minutes to keep
total time close to 12 minutes on the clock.
Secondary Objective: Maintain sets that allow for only 2 breaks during each set on
each movement.
Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Chipper Feel
RPE: 7/10, This will be lower for the majority, but those with high levels of capacity it
will kick up a notch as they are able to hold onto bigger sets.

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
There is nowhere to hide in this workout today. The rep scheme will challenge the best
of us to shoot for unbroken reps throughout while the majority will have to create a
game plan prior to tackling this workout. Strategizing when to take breaks and how to
take those will be essential to have the best overall pace on this workout. A good
thought process here would be to break the wall balls into 3 quick sets of 14 reps
before breaking the toe to bar into 3 quick sets of 7 as well. Knowing that you are
breaking and when to break can allow you to have a quicker reset and break then get
right back into the next set of reps. The overall goal with any workout is to learn how to
rest the least amount of time during the workout.

3 Sets, For Quality
30 Jump Rope Practice
10 Hollow Rocks
10 second Hollow Hold
10 Deadlifts, add weight each round
10 Scapular Pull-Ups

Workout first today. Push up test second

15:00 minute EMOM: For Completion
Minute 1: 15 Deadlifts ***** weight will go up, reps will go down the next 4 rounds
Minute 2: 10/8 Strict Pull-Ups
Minute 3: 75 Double Unders
Barbell Loads:
set 1-50 percent
set 2-55 percent
set 3-65 percent
set 4 70 percent
set 5 75 percent
We saw a most of you max out deadlift last week! Great work.
note that we should be sharing bars today for the amount of weight being lifted by the end here and
possibly for space purposes on the floor for dubs and on the rig for pull-ups. We can start on any
station today in order to keep this to a 15:00 minute time frame.

Push up test

Daily Finisher / Bodyweight Stamina Test
10 Sets For Time
15/10 Unbroken Push-Ups
Rest as needed
Level 2:
10 Sets x Unbroken Reps
Rest 1:00 minute between sets
Level 1:
10:00 minute EMOM
5-10 Elevated or Band Assisted Push-Ups

Warm up
3 minutes on a machine into
*if you feel like you need more time to stretch and warm up before 1RM snatch attempt get here a little bit early

Barbell Primer
3 Sets,
2 Hang Muscle Snatches
4 Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Push Press
6 Overhead Squats
4 Snatch Balance
2 High Hang Squat Snatch
Start with and empty barbell and increase weight the next two rounds

We will give you some time to get weight on your bar and do a few lifts
Take 20 minutes to Find a 1RM Snatch
The lift today can either be a Power or a Squat Snatch. It is just whatever will yield the maximum load lifted from the ground to overhead. We would like to see athletes make
their way up in loads by performing singles close to on the minute until they are at about
the 80% range and then start to add time between lifts in order to set-up for a max
Remember that the bar does not need to feel fast off the floor to get the lift. What we
need is control past the knees, fast through the hips, and dynamic speed and technical
efficiency under the bar into a firm overhead position

4 Sets, For Max Reps
2:00 minute AMRAP, 1:00 minute Rest
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch
12 Single Dumbbell Step-Overs 24/20”
-Max Calorie Echo Bike in the Remaining Time
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Score = Total Reps (Calories + Dumbbell Reps)

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
The Dumbbell Snatch and the Dumbbell Step-Overs should be done unbroken with a
short transition period between the two movements before hitting the bike hard to finish
off each set. The goal here will be to maintain consistency and if possible hit the final
bike hard to increase the overall bike calories achieved.
In 30 seconds if you hit the bike at 70/60+ RPM you will be able to get 8/6 Calories on
the bike, so use that as a good gauge to try to shoot for

Warm up- Coaches choice

Partner workouts
Wod 1- 12 minutes
30 cal row
30 Bench press- Split the bench evenly at 15 reps each. moderate weight. spot your partner

Wod 2-
8 minutes- Alternating rounds ***DO NOT THROW YOUR DUMBBELLS** there will be other people on the ground doing burpees
12 atl db snatches
8 burpeess

Wod 3-
12 Minutes- split how you want
SKi 30 cals
30 Deadlifts 135/95
20 power cleans 135/95
10 Shoulder to overhead 135/95

1 62 63 64 65 66 540