3 Sets, For Quality
4 Inchworm to Hollow (3sec Pause at Hollow)
5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch
10 Bootstrap Squats
20 Lateral Line Hops
20 Forward and Back Line Hops
30 second Wall Sit March

10:00 minutes
Accumulated Time in Freestanding Handstand Hold
Level 2: Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Level 1: Box Pike Handstand Hold


“The Balrog”
4 Rounds, For Reps:
3:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
*Max Wall Balls in the Remaining Time
Wallball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg
Score: Total Reps of Wall Balls

Goal: 120+ Reps
Primary Objective: Go Big Early, get those Wall Ball reps in when you have the most
time to maximize your rep count
Secondary Objective: Remain unbroken on Double Unders
Stimulus: Shoulder + Quad Stamina
RPE: 8/10
Athlete Strategy and Notes:
In this workout, we need to go big in the first two rounds on the wall balls while we have
lots of time to accumulate reps, because as fatigue sets in for those final rounds we’ll
not only have less time, but just less gas in the tank. Expect shoulder fatigue and heart
rate to be the limiting factors today.

2 Sets, For Quality
1:00 minute Machine Choice
10 Bird-Dogs
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridges
20 second Glute Bridge Hold
10 Cossack Squats

Workout Primer
3 Sets
Power Clean + Front Squat
Squat Clean + Front Squat
Rest 30 seconds
3 Bench Press
Rest 30-60 seconds
*Increase loads up to working weights

“The Air Fryer”
30:00 minute EMOM
min 1: 3 Front Squats*
min 2: 10/8 Calorie echo Bike
min 3: 5 Bench Press
min 4: 13/10 Calorie Ski Erg
min 5: Rest
Front Squats will be from the floor, 3 second Pause on 3rd Rep
Loads: Starting @ 70% of 1RM for both lifts and increase

Primary Objective: Finish the 3 Front Squats at around 80% of 1RM and the Bench
Press at close to 77%, but of course this is loose based on how you are feeling today.

Stimulus: Battery Work + Absolute Strength
Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy: We are looking to start at round 6 RPE overall on this workout and only build intensity
through lifts today while keeping the bike and the ski moderate. The time to load the bars
will be after the lift or on the rest minute. The goal here should be to keep things moderate heavy and just load by feel. Don’t push for max loads here today as we are
starting a new cycle next week and the goal is to keep things fresh here, not to push up
that intensity.

Teams of 2

Workout 1-Split work how you want
3 Rounds (24 Minutes)
2 Min Max reps power cleans 185/135
2 Minutes Max reps burpees over your bar
2 Minutes Max Ski Cals
2 Minutes Rest

Workout 2
6 Minutes
Max Cal Row
While one partner rows, one partner hold a plate overhead (45/25)
You can only row while your partner has the plate locked out

Workout 3
8 Minutes
Alternating Rounds
15 KB swings
2 sled pushes. Down and back is 2
(we can make room out on the turf so you can do your kb swings outside.

8am will be a little different today. 9am is Weightlifting with Nicole or CrossFit but the CrossFit wod today will be the same as the endurance Wod

There is a Test Workout listed in the PRVN programming this week. Test workouts are good to do as there will be a re-test coming up weeks down the road.
Here it is. You could test this on a ski as well but make sure you do your restest the same.

8am Endurance
30:00 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 15 Burpees
Score = Rounds
Best possible score = 30 Rounds

Primary Objective: Complete 25+ rounds as prescribed
Secondary Objective: Complete each movement in under 45 seconds
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold / Mental Grit

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy
Athletes alternate between calories on the rower and burpees each minute, every minute
on the minute (EMOM). They will have the whole first minute to complete a 15/12 Calorie
Row, then rest until the top of the next minute. Then they have the whole next minute to
complete 15 burpees. The goal with the workout is to lean into a challenging pace and see
how long you can sustain this workout.
We could share rower if one person starts on the burpees


Level 2:
30:00 minute EMOM
Min 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
Min 2: 12 Burpees
Score = Rounds
Best possible score = 30 Rounds

Level 1:
30:00 minute EMOM
Min 1: 40 second Max Cal Row
Min 2: 40 second Max Burpees
Score = Reps

Masters 55+
30:00 minute EMOM
Min 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
Min 2: 12 Burpees
Score = Rounds
Best possible score = 30 Rounds

Come out for some food, fun and fitness! Morning classes will be run like regular classes.
At 4pm we will start running heats of the workout below, heats will go until 6:00. We will have score cards printed if you are interested in having a judge (you should! it’s fun)

Morning classes will have a strength session of Bench press
5×5 increasing weight to close to a 5 rep max

THCF 24.2 Part A
10 Minute Amrap
6 Cleans 135/95
8 Burpees over your bar
10 Single db box step ups 50/35 box height 24/20
Rest 2 Minutes
THCF 24.2 Part B
Then 90 seconds max reps of Clean and Jerk at 135/95

1 61 62 63 64 65 540