Warm up
3 Rounds, For Quality
1:00 minute Rowing Form Work
10 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swing
5/5 Kettlebell Windmill
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
20 sec Strict Knee Raises (Controlled Slow Tempo)

Into Toes to bar progression and skill work

For this strength skill DO NOT do very high volume if you haven’t in a while. Pick a number per round and stick with it to hit an appropriate total for yourself

Gymnastics Test
“Toe to Bar Stamina Test”
10:00 minute EMOM
Unbroken Toe to Bar Test

Goal = 5-10 reps / set
Score = Average Reps across all sets
Primary Objective: Maximum average reps across all sets
Secondary Objective: Consistency across all sets.

“Victory Formation”
10:00 minute AMRAP
20/15 Calorie Row
10/10 (each arm) Dumbbell Hang Snatch 50/35
20/15 Push-Ups

Primary Objective: Complete 3 Rounds within the 10:00 minute AMRAP. The goal will
be to keep as close to 1:00 minute per station as possible.
Secondary Objective: Maintain consistent splits across for all rounds completed.
Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Stamina Conditioning

Athlete Notes and Strategy:
This workout will begin with a steady consistent feel, but gradually build as muscular
fatigue settles in. The overall goal will be to know your pace and be able to maintain a
steady effort across. Ideal spot for the rower would be to hold around 1250/950+ on the
Rower, then hit all sets of 10 unbroken reps for the KB Snatch before switching arms,
then focusing on quick sets of 5-10 reps at a time for the Push-Ups. Note that the first
round will feel easy, but by round 3 failure might be in the mix.

Cool down stretch

PRVN Recovery #2
1:00 Childs Pose
1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Thread the Needle Stretch
5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations

10 Minute barbell warm up

10 Minutes Emom
2 Clean and jerks
you can start at 60 to 70 percent and move up, but this shouldnt end up as a two rep max.

*take time between the strength and wod to get some reps of whatever gymnastics movement you are doing for this work. You want your shoulders ready before you jump up on that bar

“Just Enough”
6 Sets, For Max Calories
3:00 minute AMRAP
50 Double Unders
4 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean
4 Dual Dumbbell Step Overs 24″/20″
4 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups
-Max Calorie Echo Bike
Rest 1:00 minute between Sets
Dumbbells: 50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)

Score = Total Sum of Calories
Goal Score: 15/11 Calories Per Interval
Primary Objective: Complete the buy-in work to the calories in 2:00 minutes or less
Secondary Objective: Maintain consistent calories across or increase the calories from
set 1 to set 6.

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy:
This workout is meant to have a small rep scheme in order for you to hold a good pace,
get the work done quickly and then move onto the Bike and hit a good strong,
sustainable pace. The goal here is to have 1:00 minute on the bike and try to hit 15/11
Calories in the remaining time. This workout is 6 sets deep, so do not get baited into
going out too hot today on this one.

Wod 1
9 Minute Amrap
50 cal row
10 sb over box
40 cals
10 sb over box
30 Cals
10 sb over box
20 Cals
10 sb over box
10 Cals

Wod 2
12 Minute Amrap
Wall ball
Power clean
burpee over your bar
*this is a ladder starting at 2,2,2 and increasing by 2 reps every round. The first rounds will go quick. the strategy for splitting the work will change. You are most likely not going to split 2, 4, or 6 reps of any of the movements between 2 partners

Wod 3
6 Minutes amrap
5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Directly into 6 Minutes for both partners to find a one rep max shoulder to overhead. Bar starts from the ground not the rack.

8am Endurance
Teams of 4
40 Minute Amrap
Everybody start at a station
Run 400

When your runner comes back, switch stations
Run goes to row
Row goes to bike
Bike goes to burpees
Burpees go to run


There is no CrossFit class at 9am this week. only weightlifting. Jump in and work on your technique

2 Sets, For Quality
30 second Jump Rope
3 Tall Muscle Cleans
3 Front Squats
8 Barbell Good Mornings
5 Behind Neck Strict Press
10 empty bar deadlifts
20 second Bridge Hold
20/20 Second Side Plank

We’ll let you load a little weight on the bar then we will start the 20 minute clock.
Strength Test
Take 20:00 minutes to Establish
1RM Deadlift


5 Rounds for TIme:
3 Wall Walks
5 Squat Clean
50 Double Unders
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Barbell: 155/105lb, 70/48kg
Time Domain: 9:00-12:00 minutes
Time Cap:15 Minutes
Score: Time

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in the time domain.
Secondary Objective: Focus to complete each movement in under 45 seconds which will
keep us under the time cap of 15 minutes.

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Battery Work
Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy
Having the time domain of 9:00-12:00 minutes means that we are looking to complete
each round in somewhere around 2:00-2:30 minutes. In order to do this we would be
looking to complete each movement in that range of :30-40 seconds per movement. We
will need to focus on transition and how we move from one station to the next. Ideally we
move right from the wall to the bar and work there to complete 5 quick singles on the
barbell or even push from a quick set of 5 TnG reps before hitting an unbroken set of 50
double unders. We will then need to clean the barbell up to the shoulder before hitting
another unbroken set of 5. The weight today should challenge you, but absolutely not stop
you in any way. Your heart rate will likely spike with each movement, but managing that
and working to breathe more on the Double Unders and Wall Walks is key today.


Level 2:
5 Rounds for TIme:
3 Wall Walks
5 Squat Clean
30 Double Unders
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Barbell: 115/75lb, 52/34kg

Level 1:
5 Rounds for TIme:
3 Wall Walks to 20’’ From Wall
5 Hang Power Clean
50 Single Unders
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Barbell: 75/55lb, 32/25kg

Masters 55+
5 Rounds for TIme:
3 Wall Walks
5 Squat Clean
30 Double Unders
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Barbell: 95/65lb, 43/30kg

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