
400m Run
:30/:30 Quadruped Adductor Hip Rock
:30 Down Dog Calf Stretch
:30/:30 Active Pigeon Stretch (5 sec Pause in Stretch)
:30/:30 Couch Stretch

2 Rounds, For Quality
10 Wall Lean March
10 Bootstrap Squats
10 Alternating V-Ups
8 back squats, add weight second round


Back Squat

Every 2:30 minutes, 4 Sets
4 Back Squats @ 80%+
+3 Depth Jump to Box Jump

20:00 AMRAP
400m Run
30 Wall Balls 20/14lb, 9/6kg, 10/9ft
20 Sit-Ups
*GHD’s are an option, coaches will advise on reps depending on your experience with the GHD. no more than 30 TOTAL if you havent done these in awhile.

Goal: 4-5 Rounds

Stimulus: Midline / Quad Stamina / Threshold Intensity

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete 4+ Rounds

Secondary Objective: Increase intensity and decrease round split on each round of this workout.

Athlete Strategy and Workout Notes:

The goal today is to maintain around 5k pace on the run, then work into a big set on the Wall Balls with the goal of only breaking twice, but if needed break the Wall Balls into 3 sets. Ideally 3 sets is all we need to get the Wall Balls completed before moving onto the Sit-Up. Here we are looking to maintain a good pace and cadence with these and looking to complete the set in under 1:00 each time.


1:00/1:00 Active Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Samson Stretch
:30 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
:30 Wall Thoracic Extensions

3 Sets, For Quality

5 Up Downs
10 Bar Kip Swings
10 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch
5/5 Dumbbell Windmills


Press Progression
Every 2:00 minutes, 4 Sets
4 Strict Press + 4 Push Press
@ 75% + of Strict Press

The focus today will be to build to a heavy set of 4 on strict press and follow that up directly with 4 Press to add some dynamic speed and tension to the lift. This will help activate more muscle fibers and get the body primed and ready to tackle a new 3RM next week.
For those needing any scaling modifications due to issues with the overhead press, we can go to a Single Arm DB Strict Press or Single Arm Landmine Press as great alternatives here today.


“Vice Grip”
For Time:
8 Rounds
4 Dual Dumbbell Devils Press
7 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

40 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbells
Dumbbells: 50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)

Goal: 13:00-15:00

Time Cap: 20:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Unbroken Chest to Bars As Long As Possible

Secondary Objective: Send the Final 20 Burpees

Athlete Strategy and Notes:

Today will test our grip and dynamic pulling endurance through the first 8 rounds, before transitioning to a mental fortitude and raw fitness check to wrap this up. Look to keep the pull-ups unbroken as long as we can today, and focus on relaxing the hands on the dumbbells as often as we can to minimize grip fatigue. Once we get to the burpees, it’s time to set this thing on fire. The devils press will be performed with no stop allowed at the shoulders today, but you may redip under the dumbbells as you pull overhead.

3 Sets
:30 sec Row
:15 sec Transition
:30 sec Jump Rope
:15 sec Transition

1:00 Alternating Active Pigeon Stretch
30/30 second Kettlebell Hip Shift
1:00 Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch

2 Sets
10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
:30/:30 sec Side Plank
:30 sec Dead-Bugs

We will give you time to get up to your deadlift weight

Deadlift Progression
Every 3:00 minutes, 4 Sets 
3 Reps @ 80%
3 Reps @ 85%
2 Reps @ 90%
2 Reps @ 90%

*Immediately following each set of deadlifts, perform 3 max effort vertical jumps, resetting each rep.


For Max Calories
4 Sets
2:00 AMRAP
12-9-7-5 Deadlifts 275/185lb, 125/85kg
50 Double Unders
-Max Calorie Row in the Remaining Time
Rest 1:00 between sets

Stimulus: Posterior Chain / Muscular Endurance

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Achieve more than 1:00 of time on the rower to accumulate max calories

Secondary Objective: Complete 20/16+ Cals per interval

Athlete Strategy and Workout Notes:

The deadlifts here today are meant to be moderately heavy here today and at a load that allows for unbroken reps without a challenge, but just enough to get the posterior chain lit up prior to grabbing the jump rope.

The combination of the Deadlift and the Double Unders should take at most 1:00 minute, but for the majority of the intervals take around 40-45 seconds which will leave you 1:00+ on the rower with the goal of completing 20/16+ cals in the remaining time. We have a brief 1:00 rest to allow the heart rate and muscles to come back a bit before getting onto the next set.

Remember that the reps go down on each interval, so you will have a good amount more time on the Rower in the final 2 rounds than the first 2.

Sunday Funday! 9am
Show up! It will be some partner wods. Sundays are a lot of fun.
If you don’t want to do a partner wod, you don’t have to. We can make in individual for you.

Wod 1
16 Minutes
Ski 250
30 Partner wall balls
Run 200
15 Power Cleans 155/105

Wod 2
10 Minutes
24 Toes To bar
80 Doubles (or 120 singles)

Wod 3
3 Min Row for max cals Split how you want
90 seconds Max Rep Deadlifts at 225/155
3 Minutes max SYNCHRO burpees over your bar

Score on wod 3 is cals+deadlifts+burpees

Today is also a good day to talk about time caps in wods and why they are in place. They are in place to help you hit the correct stimulus of the workout. Standing and looking at bar that is too heavy to pick up is not a good stimulus.
Choosing a weight that you can stay unbroken in your thruster is a far better choice than going for 115 and not finishing. Your fitness is our number 1 priority. During workouts chase the stimulus and goal times not “rx”

2 Sets (6:00 minutes)
10/10 Quadruped Adductor Rock Backs
30/30 sec Couch Stretch
30/30 sec Pigeon Pose

2 Sets, For Quality (4:00 minutes)
10 Bootstrap Squats
5 Tall Muscle Cleans
5 Tall Power Cleans
7 back squats adding weight each set

We ill give you time to build to to 85 percent on your back squat

Back Squat
Every 3:00 for 15:00 minutes
5 Back Squats @ 75%+
3 Seated Box Jumps

We should be working with loads from 75-87%+ on the barbell today with the goal of building to a true heavy 5 for the day. Challenge the height on the box, but of course to just a safe height. We are looking to really hit extension well and develop power. 

“Closer to the Sun”

3 Rounds for Time
15 Power Clean
21 (round 1) 15 (round 2) 9 (round 3) Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters
21-15-9 Bar Facing Burpees
Load: 115/75lb, 52/35kg

Goal: 9:00-12:00
Time Cap: 15:00

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in the fastest overall time

Secondary Objective: Remain unbroken on the Toe to Bar and Thrusters

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning / Anaerobic Threshold

RPE: 9/10

Athlete Strategy, Workout Flow and Notes:

This workout is meant to be a burner and one that challenges your ability to keep a hard and challenging pace from the moment the workout starts. Each movement builds into the next one with the final movement being the Bar Facing Burpee which will be sure to wreak havoc on your ability to stay in control and keep the heart rate down. Work to maintain the pace here and breath during the burpees. The Power Clean reps should start with big sets on round 1 and then work into quick manageable touch and go sets of 3-5 reps at a time to bring the heart rate back down after the burpees. Look to go for big / unbroken sets to challenge yourself on the Toe to Bar and Thrusters, then work back into a steady pace on the Burpees.

This workout will really feel longer than you think it should in the round of 15, but once you hit the 9s you should be sprinting to complete the workout.

PRVN Recovery #9

1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

1 54 55 56 57 58 540