Power snatch- 6 (or more) sets of 3. drop the bar and reset every rep. rest after your third rep.build up in weight. No misses. keep working these sets of 3. No three rep max attempts (save it for next week)


3 Rounds
20 Power snatches 115/75 (pick your weight wisely. standing staring at the bar? its too heavy.. touch and go for 20- it’s too light)
20 pistols -10 each leg- sub is 40 air squats
20 push ups

Bench 5 sets of 7

Wod- 500m Row x 6. work to rest rest ratio is 1:1

We did this back in May. Try to keep all 6 times consistent.

Low hang clean 6×3

50 cal bike buy in

4 rounds
20 wall balls 20/14
15 push jerks 115/75
10 pull ups

partner sled wod
(Each partner pushes 100m 5 times)
1 partner pushes 100 m while the other does ab mat sit-ups until they return

5 sets of 7 back squats- make this heavier than your 10’s last week.

12 Minute AMRAP
-12 front rack lunges (6 each leg)
-10 toes to bar (sub knee raises or 15 sit ups)
-8 burpees


Extra work! Do this
4 minutes max calorie row with a partner. split work however you want!

It’s Sunday Funday.. do you really think we would post the Sunday Funday wod? Go to http://www.facebook.com/trainhardercrossfit and look at the Bird Day Beatdown pics!

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