No Classes Today- Rest up- Next week is going to be tough… pre-Thanksgiving workouts will be nice and long.
No Classes Today- Rest up- Next week is going to be tough… pre-Thanksgiving workouts will be nice and long.
Anniversary party tonight!!! BE there. Escape Brewing.
400m,400m, 800m, 800m, 800m, 800m, 400m, 400m
Rest 1 minute between 400’s and 3 minutes between 800’s
Mobility at 9
Bootcamp at 10
Remember our Anniversary party is Saturday!! Strength: back squat 5-5-5-5-5. WOD: 5 rounds: 9 Sumo deadlift high pull, 9 snatches, 9 handstand pushups. Then: 25 tire flips cash out.
Strength: bench press 5-5-5-5-5
4 Rounds
21 Double KB Swing 53/35s
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
Run 400
Take care of your hands tonight if you’re planning on doing toes to bar!!
Don’t forget, party of the year happens this Saturday November 19th at 7pm. Escape Brewing.. you can find Escape Brewing on google maps.
Push press 4-3-3-1-1 (find 1rm)
10 rounds
10 Toes To Bar (sub knee raises or sit ups)
15 wall balls 20/14