We will have open gym from 10am to 2pm. There will a few wod suggestions on the board. Back to our regular schedule starting Saturday.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day. Gym is closed and will be open from 10-2 on Friday.

We are running a 5k on the Suncoast Trail Thanksgiving morning at 8:00am. If you’d like to join us meet us in the Suncoast Trail parking lot at the north west corner of Hwy 54 and the Suncoast Hwy intersection (across from the closed down target)

Warm Up
Run 400
20 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Strict pull ups
Grab an empty bar and do  sets of push presses, and work on split jerk technique

Find your a near max in this complex.. (90 percent) We are looking for good technique and no misses
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
Perform both lifts without putting the bar back on the rack

12 min amrap
12 push jerk 135/95
9 toes to bar
6 Dips

*If you cant hit 135/95 unbroken on your first few rounds you are using too heavy of weights. INTENSITY is king during wods. Using RX weight isnt impressive if you only get 1 round. you should be shooting for 6 plus rounds in this wod.

Warm up-
Bike 20 cals
50 Doulbes or attempts
Then 3 rounds10 PVC overhead squats
10 pass through
Grab your bar and practice the strength with an empty bar for 10 minutes.

Find One Rep Max of the following complex (this will take at least 15 minutes.. dont rush this!)
One Hang Snatch
One overhead squat

KB Swings
Burpees 50 double unders between rounds.

Warm up 2 Rounds
20 perfect air squats
10 Hand Release push ups
20 pass throughs
20 Double unders or attempts (were going to practice doubles in the warm up for two weeks… I have ropes available to buy)

Back Squat- 5,5,5,3,3,3- Heavy- next week all 3’s week after is 1 rep max, week after is deload– back to 10’s

5 rounds for time
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Chest to bar
200m run

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