Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout.
Click HERE for details.

Warm up
Lets do something different- 42 overhead single arms dumbbell squats
5 Minutes Bike or Row
25 Light Deadlifts, lets get your for right before we start the strength

8,8 (lighter) 6,6 Moderate weight 70 percent) 4,4 (80-85 percent) 2,2 (95+ percent)

AMRAP 12 Minutes
30 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Cleans 135/95lbs

Bestie Sled Push
Start with and empty sled
one person pushes it down and back to the cones, next person goes
ADD WEIGHT and repeat.
go until someone cant push it

Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout.
Click HERE for details.

Super duper surprise- 40 Overhead squat with a dumbbell
40 overhead squat with pvc
Grab an empty bar and start practicing snatching

Strength 2 VERSIONS Pick one
10 Minutes EMOM

Perform this complex without dropping the bar if you can overhead squat
1 squat snatch + 1 Overhead squat + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat

If you cant overhead squat yet perform this complex without dropping the bar
2 power snatches from the floor
2 power snatches from the hang

15 Minute Amrap
10 chest to bar pull ups (sub regular pulls ups or ring rows 10/15)
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 bike or rower cals
1 Sled push

Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout.
Click HERE for details.

Warm up-
40 Overhead one armed squats with a dumbbell
1000m row or 800m run
20 pulls ups
grab an empty bar and practice the MisFit complex below
spend 15 minutes practicing the misfits complex

Strength starts at :15 after the hour so if you need more time to
20 Minute running clock to find a Max Misfits Complex- if you finish early, hop on a bike
—- without dropping the bar find your max at this complex
Power Clean, Push Jerk, Front Squat, Hang Squat Clean, Split Jerk

Wod- Starts at 35 after
3 Rounds:
Run 400m
15 Burpees over your dumbbell
30 Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs

Friday is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout.
Click HERE for details.

Monday Warm Up
Yes-40 one handed Overhead squat with dumbbells. this will be the last week we do this in warm up
40 air squats
40 push ups
20 empty bar back squats

Back Squat Depth over pounds (If you are capable, if the flexibility isnt there, work on it) If you can squat 135 to full depth, then at 225 it turns into a half squat.. the weight is too heavy, lighten the load and hit your full squats
Sets of 4 work up to 85% on the last 2 sets

AMRAP 10 Minutes: THIS IS FAST PACED WOD, pick weights and movements you can do quickly, dropping the bar after 5 reps means its way too heavy, you are missing the point of the workout if you are resting. its about intensity on this one.

15 Calories on Rower (15 on an erg, 12 on a bike or 200m run)
8 hand stand push ups (sub 12 push ups or 10 heavy dumbbell presses)
15 Hang Power Snatch 95/65lbs (pick a weight you can get at least 10 for unbroken.

Accessory work-
10 minutes
even minutes
20 double unders
odd minutes
Max unbroken muscle ups (or max ring rows)

Warm up
40 one handed overhead Kettlebell squats
1000 Meter Row
Grab a bar, practice deadlifts

DeadLift emom
10 Minutes Emom
3 Deadlifts

21 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 800
5 Ring muscle ups (10 pull ups, 15 ring rows)
15 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 400
5 ring muscle ups(10 pull ups, 15 ring rows)
9 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 200
5 Ring muscle ups (10 pulls ups, 15 ring rows)

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