Warm up-
600 M run with a parther and wall ball. Do 30 partner wall balls when you get in. For fun.. that’s why.

Wod review at the board.
Go over front squats and Power Clean from the floor
0-2 Minutes 8 hang squat clean
2-4 Minutes 8 Power cleans from the floor

Everybody benches.. we are doing this for 9 more weeks. Don’t avoid your weaknesses.
Ok Here are your percentages.
You should know your one rep max… or at least have an idea.
TAKE 90 Percent of your one rep max and write it on the floor!!!!!
Base all these numbers below off that 90 percent number.
Warm up with a few sets of empty bar bench press THEN
5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 85%

2 Minutes max reps front squats
rest 1 minute and a
2 Minutes of max reps Power Cleans from the floor
rest 1 minute
2 Minutes of max Push ups
rest one minutes and start round 2

Warm up-
Row 1000M OR bike 6 Minutes Or run a mile
Then 50 Partner wall balls.. for fun. Pick someone you don’t know well to partner with… Not your bro’s. throw the ball to each other.
Stay at the chalk board for explanation of the wod and strength.. which is overhead squats… which we don’t do often.
4 Minutes EMOM of 8 overhead squats, 8 each round!
Fast review of DB thruster so nobody is lost during the wod

5 sets of 4 overhead squats- If you dont have locked arms, chest up, full depth in the squat… DO NOT ADD WEIGHT! there are no shortcuts to learning overhead squats, everyone starts with an empty bar
IF YOU ARE NEW TO OVERHEAD SQUATS- Practice with empty bar and then finish strength with 4 sets of 4 FRONT SQUATS
Know the difference between hurting and uncomfortable… if you don’t like overhead squats because they make you uncomfortable.. keep practicing.. if they hurt… lets figure out why. If you

30 Cals on the Rower
2 Rope Climbs
30 Hspu (sub 40 strict db press)
2 Rope Climbs
30 Db thrusters 50/35
2 Rope climbs
Run 800m


Warm Up 800m first 400m slow, then race somebody back to the gym
Meet at the chalkboard after to go over the wod. If you finish too early, do your run over with a friend or stretch
After wod explanation do
4 rounds
10 Strict pull ups
20 pass throughs
Grab a bar- Quick review of the snatch and for the wod.
3 Minute amrap of Hang snatches 8 each round. Time to work on form, not to PR

You should know your one rep max… or at least have an idea.
TAKE 90 Percent of your one rep max and write it on the floor!!!!!
Base all these numbers below off that 90 percent number.
Warm up with a few sets of empty bar presses THEN
5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 85%

Wod-Chipper for time
50 Calorie Row
40 Hang snatches 95/65
30 pull ups
40 Burpees over your bar
50 Cals on the bike

Warm Up-
5 Minutes bike or row  —stretch while you are waiting for others to finish
40 Air squats together at the the front of the room… lets fix these movement patterns. Squat therapy.
Fast review of wall balls.. still seeing some unique versions of wall balls.

Strength- Find a squat rack, pair up, two and 3 people per rack.
You should know your one rep max… or at least have an idea.
TAKE 90 Percent of your one rep max and write it on the floor!!!!!
Base all these numbers below off that 90 percent number.
Warm up with a few sets of empty bar back squats THEN
5 @ 40%
5 @ 50%
3 @ 60%
3 @ 80%
3 @ 85%

Wod- 12 Minutes
20 Wall Balls
20 Doubles unders or 40 singles
1 Sled Push


April fools!

Team wod. Teams of 2
You will have 10 minutes to warm up before class
wod 1-6 minutes
Establish one rep max of this complex
1 clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Front squat
1 Shoulder to overhead

Wod 2- 14 Minutes
20 wall balls
10 Man makers
Split above how you want
Then run 200 meters together. take your dumbbells with you

Wod 3-
5 minutes max burpees to target, one person works at a time
2 minutes rest
5 minutes max cals on the rower

Total is burpees plus reps

1 449 450 451 452 453 539