Warm Up-
Let’s have some dumbbell fun
800 m row or run
40 pvc OHS
40 Dumbbell overhead squats

10 Minunte EMOM of this complex, try to work up to decent weight, no max outs necessary
1 Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Shoulder to Overhead

Wod- For time
80 Double unders
5 Clean and Jerks 135/95
40 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerks 135/95
20 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerks 135/95
Immediately into 50 Burpees over your bar

We will be getting everyone’s shirts size tomorrow and putting the shirt order in for the Challenge Shirts by the end of the day so we can have them for the start of the challenge
-Participants will need to do their first INBODY weigh in on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. A coach will help schedule that with you, only takes a few minutes.

Monday Warm Up
5 Rounds
5 pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats

Pause Back Squats. Pause 2 seconds at the bottom of each squat
Warm up with lighter weight first.. then work from 70 to 85ish percent!
Full Squats! Depth over weight, if you can’t get low enough (injury is the exception) the weight is too heavy. take weight off and get low.

Wods- Does not matter which wod you start with, 3 minutes recovery. looking for max effort during the 5 minutes of work!
5 Minute Amrap
10 Rower Cals (we will move the rowers over by the wall balls
10 Wall Balls

Rest 3 Minutes

5 Minute Amrap
7 Bikes Cals
7 Burpees

Rest 3 Minutes

5 Minute Amrap
7 Dumbbell Thrusters
7 Pull ups

Wod Wars based wods
TEAM OF 2 (wod wars is teams of 3 but its still ok to practice in teams of 2)

Wod 1
8 Minutes to find 1rm of this complex
1 Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder to overhead

Wod 2-
12 Minutes
Run 400 Meters with a wall ball
then compete 100 wall balls
With remaining time  perform an Amrap of
25 toes to bar (sub knee raises or sit ups)
2 rope climbs (wod wars is 10 rope climbs but we don’t want people waiting for ropes)
50m overhead walking lunge (double kettlebells, one partner walks it down, one walks it back)

Wod 3-
6 Minutes Amrap
20 Deadlifts
20 shoulder to overhead
20 Front squats
20 snatches
20 OHS

Rest 2 Minutes

6 Minutes
20 Burpee box Jump
15 Ring muscle ups (or pull ups, or ring rows)

Everybody’s favorite-
Yasso 800’s (common, extremely tough,  workout in the marathon world)
this workout is supposed to 10×800 (few people can finish this workout hitting all 800’s at the same pace) Work to rest ratio is 1 to 1.
We will adjust! Watch this video starting at 12:40  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sO_V5NDdcQ
Some games athletes are running these at sub 3:00 for every 800.. thats a 6 minute mile pace.   Jason Khalipa and Ben Smith run.. you should too.

9am- Mobility with Amanda- Be sure to ask Amanda getting your kids into her kids class!

10am Partner Wod- 30 minute AMRAP One partner working at a time, split work how you want
50 Cal Row
100M Sled Push (one partner push down, one push back)
50 Cal Bike
100M Sled Push
50 Cleans 135/95
100m Sled push
50 KB swings
100m sled push


LAST DAY LAST DAY LAST DAY Today is the cut off day to sign up for the 6 week inter-gym challenge. The scoring system makes this a level playing for everyone! Its going to come down to who shows up consistently, keeps their nutrition in check, and puts in their best effort for every workout.
Click HERE for details.

Warm up-
40 OHS with a dumbbell
40 OHS with a pvc
2:00 minute wrist stretch. Hands on ground turned towards you… stretch it out
20 Front squats with an empty bar

Front Squat
In 5 sets work towards a 7 rep max front squat

18 Minute Amrap
100 wall ball buy in (get chalk, keep track of your reps, make a mark every 10 reps)
Remaining time do an Amrap of
30 Slam balls 50/30 pounds
2/1 Rope climbs (4 rope pulls from the floor)
200M Sprint

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