Here is a great article on intensity over volume.
More is not better, better is better. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. “going through the motions” doesn’t equal results.

Warm up:
800M run with your rival.
Run 400m out slow.. rest a minute.. race back.
2 Rounds
5 Toes to bar or knee raises (figure out which you’re going to do during the wod)
10 push ups
10 Squats

Review Strict Press, push press, push jerk with an empty bar. EVERYONE benefits from empty bar technique work
0-2 minutes 5 strict press
2-4 minutes 6 push press
2-6 Minutes 7 push jerks

5 sets of 10 strict press. 60 percent or less. its a deload week, no heavy weight this week

Wod 3 Rounds for time
7 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 (Press, push press or push jerk)
9 Toes To Bar (sub 18 sit ups
11 slam balls outside
Run 400m

Warm up-
Partner Bike-
10 Minutes total
1 minute on one minute off
30 Air Squats to depth- One second paust
30 Push ups

Back Squats- De load week
4 sets of 10 at 60 percent work on form

Wod- Cindy
20 Minute Amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Warm up
5 minute bike

3 rounds 10 burpees, 10 weighted good mornings (bar only)

Strength- Three weeks into a strength cycle you should have a good idea of your max lift. Today’s lift is DEADLIFT
FIRST- Take 90 percent of your one rep max, write it down… that it is the number you are basing the below percentages on. It should be the same number as the last two week (unless you made some minor adjustments)
Do two sets of up empty bar warm ups, or a very light weight
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
Then as many reps as possible at 95%

Quickly review the power clean


Wod 3 Rounds for time
10 Hspu
10 Power Cleans 185/135
10 Ring dips
Run 400M

Warm up-
4 Rounds
5 push ups
10 pull ups or pull ups progressions
15 Squats

Strength- Three weeks into a strength cycle you should have a good idea of your max lift. Today’s lift is Bench Press.
FIRST- Take 90 percent of your one rep max, write it down… that it is the number you are basing the below percentages on. It should be the same number as the last two week (unless you made some minor adjustments)
Do two sets of up empty bar warm ups, or a very light weight
5 x 40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
5 x 75%
3 x 85%
Then as many reps as possible at 95%



For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile

Warm up- 800m run with a wall ball and a partner… Do 30 Partner wall balls when you get back. If you start class early, by yourself, you get to do this again at the top of the hour.

Fun Strength Today- Will take most of the hour, but it wall starts with a review
Grab an empty bar for the rest of this warm up/review. Lets fixed those screwed up movement patterns
0-4 Minutes – 7 Push Presses
4-8 Minutes – 6 perfect front squats
8-12 Minutes -5 perfect thrusters-
We’re watching and correction. elbows up means elbows up, not down. Learn to move better by listening to cues.

Find your 3 rep max thruster. This will take most of the rest of the hour.
3,3,3,3,3,3 Percentages would look something like this -40,50,60,75,85 to 90, 100+ of your old 3 rep if you know it.

Short wod-
8 x 250m rower sprints
Rest to work is 1 to 2. do these with a partner who rows about as fast as you do and take turns on the rower (if it takes you 1 minute to row 250, rest 2 minutes which means you and your partner will have to bust out your math skills)
These should absolutely crush you. If you they don’t, you’re not rowing hard enough. Its a minute or less of max effort

Finish the day with 4 sled pushes if time permits.

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