Big Day

Victoria’s Handstand clinic at 11am!!!

8 am endurance
Triple 3’s
3000m row
300 doubles
Run 3 miles

Scaling is half!
Either option is fine

9am Mobility with Bernie

10am partner
Chipper Wod
Run 800 M together
20 Squat snatches (155/115/95/65 suggested weights for everyone)
40 hang power clean (same weight as snacthes)
60 Cal bike
80 Pull ups
60 row
40  hang power clean
20 Snatches

Jason Ackerman, a Level 4 Crossfit Coach, will be speaking Friday June 8th from 5:30p, to 6:30pm and teaching a class from 6:30 to 7:30, don’t miss it!
free for members

Victoria will be teaching a handstand clinic from 11am to 12 pm on Saturday June 9th, free for members.

Coach Jordon’s youth weightlifting program starts Monday June 4th. Classes are in the morning. Its all summer long and you can register anytime. Please let him or I know by Wednesday!

Warm up 5 minute row
30 Air squats with 1 second hold

Group EMPTY Barbell EMOM-  Review points of performance then go into
0-2 Minutes – 8 Front squats
2-4 Minutes – 8 Push press
4-6 Minutes 8 Thrusters

Then 20 Minutes to establish a 3 rep max thruster. Percentage might look like this.
3 at 50, 3 at 60, 3 at 75, 3 at 85.. .as many attempts as needed to find max.
this should take about 6 or 7 sets total

13 Minute AMRAP
15 Thrusters 95/65
15 Burpees over your bar

Jason Ackerman, a Level 4 Crossfit Coach, will be speaking Friday June 8th from 5:30p, to 6:30pm and teaching a class from 6:30 to 7:30, don’t miss it!
free for members

Victoria will be teaching a handstand clinic from 11am to 12 pm on Saturday June 9th, free for members.

Coach Jordon’s youth weightlifting program starts Monday June 4th. Classes are in the morning. Its all summer long and you can register anytime. Please let him or I know by Wednesday!


Warm up-
800 M run with a wall ball and partner
40 Good mornings
30 Push ups
20 empty bar deadlifts

Strength Deadlift
5×40%, 5×50%, 3×60%, 5X75%, 3X85%, As many reps as possible at 95%
Max week, next week is deload week.

This is harder than it looks.. partner up with someone who rows about as fast as you and make fast transitions so you are actually only resting 90 seconds.

10 rounds, each for time, of:
200-m row
Rest 90 seconds

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180530 Tips With Rory McKernan

Beginners can reduce the total number of rounds, but most will not need to change the movement or distance for these sprints.

Beginner Option
7 rounds, each for time, of:
200-m row
Rest 90 seconds

Jason Ackerman, a Level 4 Crossfit Coach, will be speaking Friday June 8th from 5:30p, to 6:30pm and teaching a class from 6:30 to 7:30, don’t miss it!
free for members

Victoria will be teaching a handstand clinic from 11am to 12 pm on Saturday June 9th, free for members.

Coach Jordon’s youth weightlifting program starts Monday June 4th. Classes are in the morning. Its all summer long and you can register anytime. Please let him or I know by Wednesday!


Warm Up-
4 Rounds of
5 pull ups (hardest version for you starting with weighted strict then moving down in this order…. strict, kip, jumping, ring row)
10 push ups
15 squat

Strength Bench Press
5×40%, 5×50%, 3×60%, 5X75%, 3X85%, As many reps as possible at 95%
Max week, next week is deload week.


Regional Event 3

3 rounds for time (20 Minute cap)
9 muscle-ups (Can sub bar for ring)
36-ft. handstand walk
36 (Round 1) 45 (Round 2) 54 (Round 3) single-leg squats
36-ft. handstand walk

We will try to set up 1 obstacle for you to handstand walk over, but we can’t us up all the plates.

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180601 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Handstand Walk

This workout contains a lot of high-skill gymnastics movements. Ignore the time cap and speed that the Regional athletes complete this workout in. Modify the movements and reps as needed while still using this as a chance to practice gymnastics skills.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
5 muscle-ups (ring or bar)
36-ft. handstand walk, no obstacles (Or 1 minute handstand hold)
36-45-54 single-leg squats
36-ft. handstand walk, no obstacles (or 1 minute handstand hold)

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
5 ring rows
5 jumping ring dips
50 Foot bear walk
36-45-54 squats
50 foot bear walk

Jason Ackerman, a Level 4 Crossfit Coach, will be speaking Friday June 8th from 5:30p, to 6:30pm and teaching a class from 6:30 to 7:30, don’t miss it!
free for members

Victoria will be teaching a handstand clinic from 11am to 12 pm on Saturday June 9th, free for members.

Coach Jordon’s youth weightlifting program starts Monday June 4th. Classes are in the morning. Its all summer long and you can register anytime. Please let him or I know by Wednesday!


Warm up
8 minutes of partner bike
Barbell Warm up- e
0-2  Minutes 10 Strict Press
2-4 8 Push Press
4-6 10 Minutes Empty bar sumo deadlift high pull

Strength Strict Press
5×40%, 5×50%, 3×60%, 5X75%, 3X85%, As many reps as possible at 95%
Max week, next week is deload week.

3 rounds of:
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of weighted ab mat sit-ups with slam ball 30/20
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of  sit-ups weighted
Rest 1 minute

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.



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