
2:00 Cardio Choice
1:00 Foam Roller Thoracic Spine Extension
:30/:30 Kettlebell Hip Shift
:30/:30 Couch Stretch

3 Sets, For Quality
5 Inchworm Push-Ups
5 Tall Muscle Cleans
5 Tall Power Cleans
5 hang squat cleand
3 squat cleans


Squat Clean
10:00 EMOM
2 Reps @ 70-80% of 1RM

For the Squat Clean, ensure your chest remains elevated from the start of each rep. The barbell needs to travel closely alongside the body, rising as you extend fully before you swiftly pull yourself under it for the squat clean. Emphasize achieving a complete triple extension—extending the hips, knees, and ankles fully—prior to descending into the squat. Should issues arise, particularly with maintaining positions or to alleviate lower back strain, consider substituting with a Hang Power Clean followed by a Front Squat, or opt for a Hang Squat Clean, especially if pulling from the floor aggravates any discomfort.

“Line Change”

4 Sets
5 Power Clean
5 Hang Squat Clean
20 Lateral Burpees
Rest 1:30 between sets
Barbell: 135/95lb, 61/43kg

*You will perform the work in reverse order on rounds 2 & 4, meaning you will start those intervals with the burpees.

Goal: 1:45-2:15

Time Cap: 18:00

Score: Total Working Time

Stimulus: Barbell Cycling / Muscular Endurance

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Complete each set in Sub 2:30

Secondary Objective: Complete each set of Cleans unbroken


We are looking for Touch and Go reps here today for the cleans with the idea that each set is to be done unbroken. The kicker to this workout is that each set here is done in reverse order, which means round 1 will be done starting with the cleans and round 2 will start with the burpees. This will also allow for half the class to start on the barbell while the other half starts on burpees so at least there is a little delay with the amount of people jumping over barbells or dropping them at different times.

Wod 1
10 minute amrap
Alternating full rounds
8 cal row
8 bench press. spot your partner

Wod 2
14 Minutes ladder split anyway you want
1 Clean
1 Burpee over your bar
1 shoulder to over head
2,2,2, 3,3,3 and on and on and on

Wod 3
10 Minute amrap
Split anyway you want
16 Kb swings
16 Goblet squats
16 single arm Db snatches

8am and 9am are “The Bill”
It is Bill’s Birthday workout. Happy Birthday Bill!
There is adult weightlifting at 9am as well.

“The Bill”
67 Doubles (x3 singles)
67 Sit ups
67 Wall balls
67 Cal row
67 sandbag or med ball cleans over shoulder
67 Alt db snatches
67 Air squats
670 meter run. (Run 3.5 times to the fence and back)


:30 Forward and Back Line Hops
:30 Side to Side Line Hops
:30 Bend and Bow
:20/:20 Single Leg Toe Touches

:30 Wall Thoracic Extensions

:30/:30 Kettlebell Hip Shift

:60 Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch

:15/:15 Active / Passive Hang From Pull-Up Bar


2-3 Sets
8-10 Bar Kip Swings
Hang Snatch High Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Snatch Balance
Squat Snatch
22 Double Unders or 44 Single Unders

10:00 EMOM
2 Snatches @ 70-80% of 1RM

These are ideally a Squat Snatch today, however can be power for those with a higher max in the Power Snatch than the Squat Snatch
We can scale to 3-5 Hang Power Snatch on the minute today for athletes that are generally newer to the olympic lifts in order to develop better positions and more consistency in the lifts

“Angry Beavers”
For Reps:
11:00 AMRAP
4-5-6-7… Bar Muscle Ups
11 Power Snatch 95/65lb, 43/30kg
44 Double Unders

Stimulus: Grip Density / High Skill Gymnastics

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Complete 4+ Rounds

Secondary Objective:Maintain Unbroken Bar Muscle-Ups for as long as possible

Strategy: The focus here today is on grip endurance and high skill gymnastics. We are looking for the higher level athletes to keep the Bar Muscle-Ups unbroken as long as possible and for most athletes to break these up into short manageable sets from the get-go. When looking at the Power Snatch weight and repetitions we should immediately have an idea that we can move through this in 3 quick sets of touch and go reps before hitting a good unbroken set of Double Unders. The focus and rhythm of this workout falls in the transition back to the rig and how you manage your time and breaks on the Power Snatch. Stay consistent and stay smooth, eleven minutes is a long time to move here on a workout with lots of interference.



3 Rounds
:30 sec Work, 30 seconds rest
Row @ Easy to Moderate Intensity
Dual Kettlebell Dead-Stop Clean
Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
Skater Hop and Stick

Movement Progressions
3/3 Half Turkish Get-Up
3/3 Top Down Half Turkish Get-Up
Practice Full Turkish Get-Up


“All That”

30:00 EMOM
Minute 1 – 3 Wall Walks
Minute 2 – 14/11 Row Calories
Minute 3 – 1/1 Turkish Get Ups 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Minute 4 – 5 Shuttle Runs (25/25ft, 7.5/7.5m = 1 Rep)
Minute 5 – Max Sandbag Bear Hug Hold (1 sec = 1 Rep)
Sandbag: 150/100lbs (68/45.5kg)

Strategy: This 30:00 EMOM is meant to be a challenge due to the longer nature of the workout more than how hard each minute is meant to be. The way this workout flows, the first 4 minutes of work are really almost like a buy-in of required work until the Sandbag movement where you have the choice to go as long or as short as you like in order to accomplish the rest of the workout. You must get each minute done in order to have the 5th minute of work be counted. Imagine this as 6 Rounds with a cash-out max sandbag carry each round. Try to keep minutes 1-4 as smooth as possible as hanging onto the Sandbag will get hard especially as your breathing begins to elevate

1 40 41 42 43 44 531