And so it ends.. The last open workout is today. go to games.crossfit.com at 8pm to see what it is!

BE HERE FOR FRIDAY NIGHT LIGTHS!! STARTING AT 4pm… this is an event.. we will have the grill fired up ready to go! food, drinks, workouts and fun.. Let’s get this done, get your wod done Friday Night and celebrate!

What did you learn this year?
Long time members… did you put off learning those little extra skills too long or did you have them mastered? Do you have goals to start working on
New members… were you surprised at how much you could really do? Did you learn about the areas you want to work on?

Hop on a rower or bike for 8 minutes
followed by 15 minutes of mobility
This is the last week of the open, so we will be changing things up next week.

Partner wod
25 Minute Amrap, split the work how you want
500m row
20 Snatches 95/65
20 Bar Facing Burpees
200 meter run with slam ball.. both partners run, switch slam ball as needed.

Can you finish 4 rounds of this???

Back to basics continues with the warm up

Bike 5 minutes, coach will review what a good push up, and what good progressions for push ups look like

4 rounds for time
10 wall balls
10 Perfect air squats
10 perfect push ups

Deadlift- yes they might come up in the open, but we cant avoid them for 5 weeks. these will be light sets of 7… do two warm up sets then build up in weight on your sets of 7, you shouldnt be going over 70 percent.

16 Minute Amrap
400 Meter Run
100 M Farmer Carry (use dumbbells so we have enough KB’s for the wod)
25 KB swings 70/50

You are more than welcome to do your kb swings outside… its supposed to be nice this week. soon it will be too hot to be doing entire wods outside.

Back to basics week
This is a high volume day. Don’t worry… YOU CAN DO IT!

Warm up with a partner. Run a wall ball for 800m… so fun.. we will wait for you to get back..
When you get back the coaches will show you a perfect wall ball shot then EVERYONE is going to 25 perfect wall balls…. Been seeing a few wall ball shots that would make the inventor of wall balls cringe.
We are going to squat to full depth (even if we have to get a target out for your to hit your fanny on) we are going to keep the ball above our chests the whole time.. elbows under the ball not flared way out.. and we are going to stay off our toes. Easy right.. If you have perfect wall balls.. try with a 30 pound or 50 pounder

Then grab a bar

Strength-back to basics again
The power position clean… (squat or power)

0-2 minutes 10 power position clean pulls
2-4 minutes 10 power position power clean
2-6 minutes 10 power position squat cleans or power position power cleans PLUS a front squat

Take a few minutes to build up to a heavy power position power clean 75 to 80 percent of max (squat or power)

12 minute Strength Emom-
even minutes, 4 Heavy power position clean (squat or power)
odd minutes 6 toes to bar or 10 sit ups

oh yes, there is more….

Wod- Good old fashioned Crossfit-
4 rounds for time
25 wall balls 30/20 rx
15 burpees
1 Sled push (don’t stall on the sleds, people might be waiting

Let get back to basics today-You need a good foundation to build off of.
Partner row/bike for 8 minutes
1 person rows for 1 minute the other does 10 squats and holds the last one.
after meet at the front of the room and we will wall squat to fix all these air squats. 30 per person with a one second hold at the bottom.. BACK TO BASICS

Strength- You should be good and warmed up by now so lets back squat!
2 sets of empty bar. 10 squats
2 sets of 7 at about 50 percents
2 sets of 5 at 70 and 75
5 sets 5 at 80 or 85. This should be tough.

Wod- (there is good chance thrusters will in the open Friday, might as well practice now.
11 Minutes Amrap
Thruster/push up ladder
Round 1.. 1 thruster, 1 hand release push up
then 2 and 2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5 and so on.

1 380 381 382 383 384 540