Warm up
2 rounds 150m Row
7 PVC Strict Press
5 Jump Squats
10 PVC Pass throughs

Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-2-2 (5s@65% 3s@70% 2s@75)

Wod Rx (advanced)
9 Muscle ups
50′ HS Walk
5 Squat Snatches (135/95)
50′ HSW
5 Squat Snatches
50′ HSW
5 Squat Snatches

Wod Version 2 Intermediate
25 Chest to bar pull ups (or regular pull ups, or ring rows)
15 Handstand push ups, (or accumulate 2 minutes of handstand hold or 100ft bear crawl)
10 Snatches, power or squat, 95/65 65/45
20 chest to bars (or regular pull ups or ring rows)
15 hspu or appropriate sub from above
10 Snatches
15 chest to bars
15 hspu or sub from above
10 snatches

Come in and bike, row, or roll out until 5 after, then we are jumping into this EMOM
Warm up
16m EMOM
Minute 1-15/12 cal row
Minute 2-40 Double Unders
Minute 3-12/9 cal bike
Minute 4-6 Goblet squats

Wod For tIme
750/600m Row
150 Double Unders
50 Hang Clean DB Clean and Jerks (50/35)

Accessory work if there is time left in class
8 minutes EMOM
even minutes 40 seconds of max push ups
odd minutes 40 seconds of max strict pull ups.

Are your taxes done?

Warm up
2 rounds 400m Run
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Grab a barbell, go over at least 2 sets of empty bar back squats. THEN a few more sets to build to your first working weight, pay attention to the reps and percentages. They jump around

Back Squat 6@65% 3@70% 6@65% 3@75% 6@65% 3@80%

800M Run
100/80 Cal Bike
800 M Run

Partner wod

4 rounds with Partner
8 Man makers 50/35 while other partner holds plank
20 Deadlifts 275/205 while other partner holds wall sit
24 Single Arm DB Thruster 50/35 while other partner scissor Kicks

Cash Out 400 Double Unders while other partner rows.

This is not confusing, THIS IS NOT A CRISIS SITUATION you can switch spots whenever you want.
Example on the deadlifts.. one person might do 5 deadlifts while the other is wall sitting, then switch spots until all 20 are completed.

Gym Closed. Head to the Dunedin Community Center which can be found on google maps. There is a weightlifting competition and a crossfit comp that several members of the Train Harder Family are participating in.

If you are in need of a workout to do at home, here it is
Run for 20 minutes. Every OTHER minute stop and do 10 burpees. Score is total distance ran.

1 375 376 377 378 379 540