
2-3 Sets, For Quality
1:00 Row (:30 ez/:20 mod/:10 hard)
6/6 Dumbbell Windmills
4/4 Single Arm Dumbbell Push-Up Renegade Row
2/2 Single Arm Devils Press
10 banded glutes steps each way, front back left and righ

Bench Press
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
3 Reps @ 80%
Rest 30 seconds 
5 Reps @ 70%

% based on 1RM Bench Press. You will perform 3 reps at a heavy load of 80% and then drop weight down to 70% and perform a set of 5 reps. Work with a partner where you perform at 0:00 and another at 1:30 on the clock

Workout- you are trying to accumulate 40 reps of double db devil press- the first 3 intervals will only be 2 minutes long with a 1 minute break, then if you are not done the next 3 intervals will be 3 minutes to try and give you a chance to finish the 40 reps. you will be capped out after the 2nd 3 minute interval.

2min,2min,2min, 3,3 min Intervals

20/16 Calorie Row
-Max Devils Press
– Rest 1:00 b/t sets –
Continue until 40 Reps
Dumbbells: 2×50/35lbs (22.5/15kg)

Level 2, 18/15 cal row with lighter db,
Level 1 15,12 cal row with lighter db

Goal: 10:00-12:00

Score: Running Time

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Threshold Row Efforts

Secondary Objective: Dig In on Devils Press

Today we wrap up the week with a pulling endurance, high fitness demand couplet. This workout should feel very cyclical – steady, strong pulls on the rower and then maintaining an uncomfortable but smooth cadence on the devils press. The goal here is to push to complete this in the last 3 minute interval by trying to complete 8-10 reps each set within each working interval.

2 Sets, Through
:40 seconds on, :20 seconds off
Walking Inchworm to Hollow Body
– Hollow Rocks
Wall Walk to Handstand Hold
– Scapular Pull-Ups

Handstand walk progressions
Coach will take you through progressions. If you have no interest in going upside down, thats ok. We will have you do
5 sets of 10 (4 each arm) alternating dumbell presses during this time

“Hakuna Matata”

For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
60ft (18m) Handstand Walk
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
15 Strict Pull-Ups
40ft (9m) Handstand Walk
20 V-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 2:
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
30ft (8m) Handstand Walk
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
15ft (4m) Handstand Walk
20 V-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups

Level 1
For Time:
Every 8:00 x 3 Sets
3 Wall Walks
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Strict Banded Pull-Ups
2 Wall Walks
20 V-Ups
5 Strict Banded Pull-Ups

Goal: 4:45-6:15

Score: Total Working Time

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Go Big for Big Sets on Pull-Ups

Secondary Objective: Consistency on Handstand Walk

The focus here will be to work into consistent sets on the Handstand Walk of at least 10 ft at a time. Ideally we are going out 30 then back 30, before hitting the abmat sit-ups and strict pull-ups, then moving into 20 out and 20 back and finishing off with V-Ups and Strict Pull-Ups. Find a modification that allows you to complete each pull-up set in under 1:00 and the entire working set in the range of 4:45-6:15 in order to remain consistent and hit the targeted stimulus.

2 Cycles Through 
:40 seconds on / :20 seconds Rotate Stations
– empty barbell Good Mornings
– Alternating Step-Ups 
– 3 Hang Muscle Clean + 3 Hang Power Clean + Alternating Front Rack Lunges in the Remaining Time
– Echo Bike

Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
Set 1: 6 Reps @ 70%
Set 2: 5 Reps @ 75%
Set 3: 4 Reps @ 80%
Set 4: 3 Reps @ 80%+

5 Rounds For Time
4 Power Cleans
6 Box Jumps
8 Deadlifts
10/7 Calorie Echo Bike or 12/9 Calorie Bike Erg
-Rest 1:00 b/t Set –
Barbell: 155/105lb, 70/48kg
Box 24/20
*if you were here Monday we did similar movements. Don’t worry you’ll be fine repeating them today

Level 2- Lower weight 115/85
Level 1- Lower weight and lower box, weighted step up are the sub for box jumps

Goal: 12:00-15:00

Time Cap: 17:00

Score: Sum Total Time

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Echo Bike in sub 40 seconds

Secondary Objective: Unbroken Power Cleans and Deadlifts

The goal today is to keep things cyclical here and consistent on pacing. We will be working some TnG cycling reps on the Power Cleans into high box jumps and then tackling unbroken Deadlifts before hitting a hard Echo Bike to finish each set. Remember, 1:00 of rest ain’t a lot.

PRVN Recovery #3
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00 Updog Pose
1:00 Seated Straddle Stretch
1:00 Saddle Pose


400m Group Run

2 Sets, For Quality
30 second Tempo Air Squat (30×1) *3 seconds down, shoot up, no pause at the bottom)
15 second Ring Support Hold
5-10 Russian Push-Ups
5-7 Strict Pull-Ups pr 6-8 Jumping Pull-Ups
10-15 second Chin Over Bar Hold

Strength/skill ring muscle progressions

“Circle of Life”
For Reps:
20:00 AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
4 Ring Muscle Ups
200m Run
Wallball: 20/14lbs (9/6kg) to 10ft/9ft

Level 2
For Reps:
20:00 AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
8 Feet Elevated Ring Rows (or bar muscle ups, but then skip the ring dips)
8 Ring Dips
200m Run

Level 1
For Reps:
20:00 AMRAP
16 Wall Balls
8 Ring Rows (45 degree angle)
8 Push-Ups
200m Run
Wallball: 14/10lb, 6/4kg

Goal: 7-9 Rounds

Score: Rounds & Reps

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete most total rounds

Secondary Objective: Ring Muscle Ups Unbroken

This workout today is flowy and consistent in style. A classic 20:00 AMRAP with the focus on consistency on the rings, unbroken Wall Balls into a smooth and steady run. We will be fighting against interference for the shoulders between the Wall Balls and Ring Muscle-Ups and then some leg interference between Wall Balls and running.

2 classes today at 8am and 9am. All Weightlifters are invited (as always) to jump into this workout on Monday.
We are going to switch things ups this year and do the Hero Workout DT.
We will do the Hotshots workout next month.

Warm up.
Machine 4 minutes
Group Barbell warm up

For the workout today don’t worry so much about your time, worry about moving well and maybe adding a little more weight than usual but allowing yourself a little more rest. Your first reps should look as good as your last reps.

5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lb)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105 lb)
6 Push Jerks (155/105 lb)

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