1 Round as a group then 2 rounds on your own
6 Clean High Pulls
6 Power Position Power Cleans
6 Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
6 Split Jerks

1 round of the complete Misfits complex as a group with light weight on the bar

Then 20 minutes find 1 rep max of the misfit complex which is the following (without putting the bar down)

1RM Misfit Complex:
Power Clean
Push Jerk
Front Squat
Hang Squat Clean
Split Jerk

15-12-9 Power Snatch (115/85)
Box Jump
15-12-9 OHS (115/85)
Bar Facing Burpees

Dynmic Group Warm Up:
Inchworms 1 floor length
Hip Circles Back and Forward 20 each leg
Air Squats Up and Down the floor length
Arms side to side up and down the floor length

Depending on how you are feeling from the Murph Hero wod, you can go a little heavier or simply use this time as a warm up to build to your deadlift working weight for the wod.
5 sets of 7 at no more thaj 75 percent of 1 rep max

17 Min AMRAP
10 Deadlifts (RX 185/155 INT 155/135 BEG 135/115)
15 Sit ups
15/10 Cal Bike

Closed for Memorial Day

Don’t forget this weekend is Murph. Two heats Saturday night at 10pm and 11pm and several heats Sunday 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am and 9am. Drink your water. Don’t get drunk tonight. We are having a grill out at 11am on Sunday after Murph. we will have some hamburgers but bring what you want. We are closed Monday!

8am Endurance
Option 1- Running
2×400 rest 1minute
2×800 rest 2 minutes
1 X 1 Mile rest 3 minutes
2x400m 1 minutes rest, max effort on both runs

Option 2-
5 rounds on the skier 1 minute on 1 minute off (10 minutes total)
Directly into 5 rounds on the rower 1 minute on 1 minutes off
Directly into 5 rounds on the bike
Directly into a 1 Mile Run.
Score is Mile run time in MINUS total calories on the machines
Example 260 calories total on all three machines… then run a 6 minute mile (6 minute mile is 360 seconds) score is 360 minus 260 for 100. The lower the score the better.

9 Am mobility

10 am wod
nice and simple
800m run
80 KB swings
800m run

Its time to start hydrating and eating properly for Murph. If you are doing the full version, please be careful. If you have never done it with a vest make sure you months of consistent training in and that you can do at least 10-15 strict pull ups. Pull ups are what will get you, even more than the heat.

Warm Up-
3 rounds of 5,10,15 pull up, push up squat

Strength Bench press, 7 sets of light sets of 7

Wod- Partner Wod- Partner with someone you have never partnered with before.

30 Min Amrap, split work however you want
12minutes and 30 seconds of bike cals
5 Minute max buprees
12 minutes and 30 seconds of rower cals.

Score is cals plus burpees.

1 367 368 369 370 371 540