Warm up
Group Dynamic Warm Up- 2 Rounds
Air Squats
Hip Circles
Duck Walk
Arm Up/Downs
Across Body Swings

Strength-take 3 or 4 sets to build to your working weight of 80 percent, practice the timing of the tempo.
Tempo Front Squat 5 sets of 2
3 Seconds Down
3 Second Held in the Bottom
Drive up fast
80% of 1RM

Wod-Light and fast, keep moving the whole time, legs and shoulders should be burning. Same bar for all 3 movements.
12 Min AMRAP
4 Push Press
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
12 Front Squats (RX 75/55 INT 65/45 55/35)

Partners Wod
3 Rounds
200m Buddy Carry (Or Partner barbell carry)
20 Burpee Over Partner

THEN 10 Rounds
8 Synchro Pull Ups
12 Synchro Push Ups

If the synchro work isnt happening split 10 rounds of work however you want, 1 partner working at a time, but the reps go up to
16 Pull ups (sub jumping pull ups)
24 Push ups.

8am Endurance- Option 1
Run 5k or Row 5 OR OR OR Run 5k then row 5k with no break in between
Option 2- 25 Minute Partner sled push Guys use 1 45 pound plate, girls use empty sled. Each down and back counts as 1 rep.

9am Mobility

Partner Mash Up: split work how you want
10 Min AMRAP 2,4,6…
Burpee C2B Pull Ups (do a burpee under a bar, jump up and do c2b pull up)
Shoulder to Overhead (RX 135/95)
Rest 3 Mins
10 Rounds
12 Slamball Over Shoulder (70/50)
50m Sled Push
Rest 3 Mins 1,000m Row

Warm Up
3 rounds
100m Run
10 PVC Pass Throughs
6 PVC Around The Worlds Each Way
10 PVC Good Mornings

Strength- Strict Press 3@75% 2@70% 1@75% 3@70% 2@75% 1@80% 3@75% 2@80% 1@85%
200M Run
2 Power Clean and Jerks
200m Run
4 Power Clean and Jerks
200m Run
6 Power Clean and Jerks
200m Run
8 Power Clean and Jerks
200m Run
10 Power Clean and Jerks
(RX-155/105 INT-135/95 BEG-115/75)

Warm up
2 Rounds 150 M Row
10 Lunges
8 Band Pull Aparts
16 Elbow Circles (8/8)
16 Wrist Circles (8/8)

SK:15 Min Dumbbell EMOM
Minute 1- 8 Tricep Ext
Minute 2- 6 Curls Each Arm
Minute 3- 7 Floor Press
Minute 4- 12 RDLs
Minute 5- Rest

Wod For Time
500m Row
150 Double Unders (300 Singles)
50 toes to bar (scale knee raises, toes to rig while laying on the floor or sit ups)

1 366 367 368 369 370 540