Warm up-
6 Minute Amrap
10 walking lunges
1 Minute cardio
10 OHS with PVC

Then 10 minutes of a barbell specific warm up

Every 2:30 x 5 Sets
3 Hang Snatch @ 75%+ of 1RM Snatch
Build to a heavy 3
*try to squat if you can

“Sonic Boom”

7:00 AMRAP

Overhead Squat
Lateral Burpees over the Bar
Barbell: 135/95lb, 61/43kg
Control your bars to your hips then drop your bar. Don’t ghost your bars today with people doing burpees and people doing overhead squats
**Scaling- Chose a different weight that you can stay unbroken the whole time. If overhead squats arent in the cards today, perform front squats

Goal: Get through 8+ Rounds (8+8) = 36 Reps of Each

Stimulus: Muscular Stamina and Endurance / Glycolytic

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Complete each set of overhead squats unbroken

Secondary Objective: Burpee Cadence / Keep smooth and keep your breath

This one is fast and we will move quickly up the ladder. The goal is to hit each set of overhead squats with a squat snatch to start, then into the overhead squat reps to finish each set. We are looking for quick transitions and unbroken sets of overhead squats with rhythmic burpees to keep breath and transitions to a minimum here.

PRVN Recovery #6
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pose
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00 Childs Pose

400m run
:30/:30 Quadruped Adductor Hip Rock
:30 Down Dog Calf Stretch
:30/:30 Active Pigeon Stretch (5 sec Pause in Stretch)
:30/:30 Couch Stretch
2 Sets
10 Pause Glute Bridges (2sec)
:30 sec Dead-Bug Alternating Heel Taps
:30 sec Alternating Bird-Dogs
10 empty bar deadlifts, add weight second round

Every 2:30 x 4 Sets
Set 1: 4 Reps @ 70%
Set 2: 3 Reps @ 75%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 80%
Set 4: 2 Reps @ 85%

Extra Instructions / Goals
We are looking to progress weights today for 2 reps @ 85%. The focus here will be the first initial set-up and breaking tension off the floor. The rest between sets will be around that 2 minute mark to allow recovery and enough time to hit each set well. Scaling today will consist of the hex bar deadlift, sumo deadlift, or block deadlift.

“Flash Kick”
For Time:
400m Run
5 Deadlifts
400m Run
10 Deadlifts
400m Run
15 Deadlifts
400m Run
20 Deadlifts
Barbell: 225/155lbs (102/70.5kg)
Scaling 185/125 or 95/65 are examples.

Goal: 9:00-13:00
Time Cap: 15:00
Score: Time

RPE: 9/10

Stimulus: Posterior Chain / Running Mechanics
Primary Objective: Unbroken Deadlifts

Secondary Objective: Overall Time

Push the pace. Pure and simple. The legs are going to get heavy as we go and we’re going to have to fight to keep the run paces hard and deadlifts unbroken in the back half of this workout.

Partner workout
Sunday Funday
Wod 1
16 Minutes Split how you want
600m Row
20 toes to bar
20 Burpees over your rower

Wod 2- 12 Minutes- Alternating rounds
200 M ski
2 Rope climbs (or 4 pulls)

Wod 3
150 wall balls for time, split how want

8am endurance, 9am will be an all weightlifting workout with Coach Jordon, no CrossFit class at 9, come in and get help with your weightlifting. everyone is welcome

8am endurance with Coach Mike
36 Minutes-Team of 3
Run 400
Switch when your runner comes back,

9am-Weightlifting with Coach Jordon


4 Sets
20 seconds on / 10 second transition
– Dead-Hang From Pull-Up Bar
Burpee Bar Touch
Bar Kip Swings
– Ring Rows-
Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings

Gymnastics Skill Progression
Spend 10-15 minutes on Chest to Bar Technique and Progressions
-Scale today include Inverted Rows for more mid-back engagement or banded chest to bar to allow for full range of motion to the bar.

-Round 1,3,5 go in the order below. round 2,4,6 go in reverse order
-read the description to achieve the correct stimulus. You might be able to do some 70 pound snatches but can you do them quickly?

For Time
6 Sets, Each For Time
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
10 Jumps over PVC (Facing)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
– Rest 1:00 b/t sets – 
*Alternate Directions Each Round
PVC Height: 30’’/24’’
Dumbbell: 70/50lb, 32/22.5kg

Scaling, lighter DB, pull ups or ring rows, lower jump OR lateral stepovers on that pvc pipe.

Goal: 1:00-1:30 Sets / 11:00-15:00 

Time Cap: 20:00

Score: Time

Stimulus: High Capacity Triplet / Sprinting

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Aggressive on the Dumbbell

Secondary Objective: PVC Jump Over Pace

This is all about going fast and unbroken, and pushing transitions. Pretend each set is its own little race against the clock. We should be looking to keep the pull-ups to two sets or less no matter if it’s first or last in the flow of that set, and the big separator will be our ability to hold pace on the jump overs and dumbbell snatch, especially when we finish those odd sets with the dumbbell.

PRVN Recovery #5

1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch
1:00 Seated Chest Stretch
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

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