
2 Sets, For Quality
:40 second on / :20 second off
– Row
Quadruped Thoracic Rotations (20” /each)
– Inchworm Push-Ups
– empty bar back squat

– *Barbell Complex
Barbell Complex = Tall Muscle Clean + Strict Press + Front Squat + Thruster + Jumping Back Squat

Back Squat
Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets
2 Reps @ 75%
% of 1RM Back Squat
These sets here are meant to be done with speed and form in order to really prime the system to hit a new 3RM here in the coming test phase. Work to have each set of 2 done quickly and with good force development.

“The Dodo Way of Life”
For Time:
EMOM Until 50 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 16/13 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this
Barbell: 95/65lbs (43/30kg)

Level 2- 15/12 cals, 75/55lbs
Level 1- 14/11 cals, 45/35lbs

Goal: 14:00-16:00 (Finish in 4 Rounds)

Score: Time

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete 15+ Thrusters Each Set

Secondary Objective: Complete the Row and Burpee Pull-Ups in under 45 seconds

On the final interval here before the cap, you can use you final minute 4 to finish the workout and get those 50 Thrusters completed

These high threshold intervals are going to start the week off with a bang. You should feel like you have to operate at an RPE 7-8 to get both minutes 1 & 2 done, and we’ll be getting to the thrusters under some good aerobic and total body fatigue. Pace appropriately to set yourself up with enough time to complete the workout in that fourth set as early as possible. Ideally all of our athletes are working into that 14-16 minute range and most at the beginning of that 14:00 mark.

PRVN Recovery #6

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pose

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

1:00 Child’s Pose

14 Minutes
Run 200 Together
10 Bar muscle ups split how you want (sub is 10 pull ups 10 dips)
12 Front squats, 135/95
14 deadlifts 135/95

Wod 2
4 Minutes max ski cals
into 3 mintues max reps clean and jerks 155/105

wod 3
12 Minutes Amrap
14 cal row
12 Burpees over rower split how you want
10 Synchro single arm devil press

8am Endurance
Teams of 3- split how you want
35 Minute amrap
Bike 60 cals
Row 60 cals
Ski 60 cals
When you complete a machine the team does 15 sandbags over the shoulder before moving to next machine.

9am CrossFit

2 Sets

12/9 Calorie Row 

5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch 

:30/:30 Pigeon Pose 

:15 second Hollow Rocks + :15 sec Hollow Hold

10 Banded Psoas March


12:00 AMRAP 
1000m Row buy in

AMRAP in Remaining Time 
8 Shuttle Runs
10 Toe to Bar 
14/10 Calorie Echo
8 Burpees

Rest 2:00 minutes 

10:00 AMRAP 
1000m Row buy in

AMRAP in Remaining Time 
6 Shuttle Runs
8 Toe to Bar 
12/9 Calorie Echo
8 burpees

Rest 2:00 minutes 

8:00 AMRAP
1000m Row buy in
AMRAP in Remaining Time 
4 Shuttle Runs
6 Toe to Bar 
10/7 Calorie Echo
6 burpees

Stimulus: Midline and Muscular Endurance / Steady State Mix Modal / Transitions

RPE: 7/10

The goal here is to maintain the exact same row pace buy-in on each set and then move into a steady state pace on the remaining work to really practice cyclical transitions and keeping a solid pace with midline interference.


2 Sets

40 second on / 20 second transition
– Jumping Jacks
– Inchworm Push-Ups
– Alternating Lateral Lunges
– Hang Muscle Clean and Press
Behind the Neck Elbow Punch Throughs
-Front Squats

Build to your 80 percent to get ready for the strength portion.

Every 3:00 x 3 Sets
2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
Rest 10-20 seconds
2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk

Extra Instructions
Perform all @ 80%+ of Clean and Jerk
The goal here today is to get to a heavy weight with this complex. We will be doing the 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk then dropping the bar and doing another complex of 2+1 to finish off the complex.

“Shang Tsung”
15:00 AMRAP
3 Power Clean and Push Jerk
5 Front Squats
7/5 Ring Dips
9 Toe to Bar
Barbell: 185/125lb, 84/57kg
Suggested % of clean and Jerk 70%

Goals: 6+ rounds 

Primary Objective: Complete each round in as close to 2:00 as possible

Secondary Objective: Maintain quick singles on the Clean and Jerk and unbroken Front Squats

Stimulus: Barbell + Gymnastics Conditioning 

RPE: 9/10

Notes: This workout keeps the rep scheme short and to the point to allow athletes to focus on each movement and keep the workout flowing throughout the 15:00 AMRAP. The goal will be to hit quick singles on the Clean and Jerk before moving into the Front Squats. These can be done directly after the last Clean and Jerk or athletes can drop the bar and then move into a Squat Clean or Power Clean into their Front Squats. We will then move to the Ring Dips which should be done in an unbroken set or at the most 2 sets before jumping up into a quality set of Toe to Bar. We are looking for sets of 3-5 at a time there, if not unbroken. 

Stay smooth and stay moving here keeping the barbell work to about a minute and the gymnastics work to about a minute.

Level 2:
15:00 AMRAP
3 Power Clean and Push Jerk
5 Front Squats
7/5 Ring Push-Ups
9 Toe to Bar
Barbell: 135/95lb, 61/43kg

Level 1:
15:00 AMRAP
3 Power Clean and Push Jerk
5 Front Squats
7/5 Elevated Push-Ups
9 Kipping Knee Raises
Barbell: 75/55lb, 34/25kg

PRVN Recovery #7

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

2 Sets
1:00 Bike / Row (Alternating Each Round)
10 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs
10 PVC Pipe Around the World
:30 second Pipe Prayer Stretch
10 Bootstrap Squats
10 Alternating Cossack Squats

Barbell Primer
– 3 High Hang Snatch High Pull
– 3 High Hang Muscle Snatch
– 3 High Hang Power Snatch
-3 Hang Power Snatch

Then Build to 70% 
*Focus for the Hang Power Snatch will be a quick turnover and snappy punch into the receiving position

Take 10:00 minutes to Establish
3RM Hang Power Snatch
Start @ 70% and increase to a Heavy 3 Rep for the day

Extra Instructions
Rest 2:00-6:00 prior to Starting the workout Smoke. Only reason to start later is if we need a delay for class management purposes. 
This is ideally a 30 minute running clock workout, but can start on delay with how things are written to allow everyone to get the workout in as written. Ideally our more experienced athletes start first with less rest from the Heavy 3 for the Day.

3 Sets
4:00 AMRAP
Cal Echo
9 Power Snatch
7 Hang Power Snatch
– Max Calorie Row

Rest 2:00 b/t sets

Cal Echo / (Assault)
Set 1: 30/22, (34/25)
Set 2: 25/18,  (27/21)
Set 3: 20/14, (21/17)
Load: 95/65lb, 43/30kg

Level 2:
3 Sets
4:00 AMRAP
Cal Echo
9 Power Snatch
7 Hang Power Snatch
– Max Calorie Row
Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Cal Echo
Set 1: 25/18
Set 2: 20/14
Set 3: 15/10
Load: 75/55lb, 34/25kg

Level 1:
3 Sets
4:00 AMRAP
Cal Echo
15 Hang Power Snatch
– Max Calorie Row
Rest 2:00 b/t sets
Cal Echo
Set 1: 25/18
Set 2: 20/14
Set 3: 15/10
Load: 45/35lb, 20/15kg

Goals: 40/32+ Calories

Primary Objective: Complete each Echo Bike in under 2:00 

Secondary Objective: Finish each set of Power Snatch and Hang Power Snatch in as close to 1:00 as possible

Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Conditioning

RPE: 8/10

Notes: This workout is meant to put a little pressure on your ability to hold a hard echo piece and then maintain composure through barbell cycling reps with the focus on maintaining your breath and composure. Work positions, then speed. We are looking for the barbell to be done in quick cycling reps of 3-5 reps at a time or even unbroken for some that are great with the barbell.

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