
2 Sets, For Quality
:45/:45 World’s Greatest Stretch
15 PVC Pass Throughs
8/8 Kettlebell Windmill Press
15 second Active Hang + 15 second Passive Hang

Barbell Prep and Primer
High Hang (Hip), Hang (Knee), Low Hang (Below Knee)

– Snatch High Pull
– Muscle Snatch
– Power Snatch
– Overhead Squat
– Squat Snatch

Then add loads, bar should be off the floor now

From the Floor x 2
Snatch Lift Off to Knee
– Power Snatch
– Hang Squat Snatch

Then Complex @ Real Speed, Building to Starting Loads


Power Snatch + Hang Snatch
Every 2:00 x 6 Sets
1+3 @ 65%
1+2 @ 70%
1+1 @ 75%
1+3 @ 70%
1+2 @ 75%
1+1 @ 80%
% of Power Snatch

For Time:
Every 8:00 x 2 Sets
21 Pull-Ups
15 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
9 Squat Snatch
15 Pull-Ups
12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
7 Squat Snatch
Barbell: 135/95lb, 61/43 kg

For Time:
Every 8:00 x 2 Sets
15 Pull-Ups
12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
9 Squat Snatch
12 Pull-Ups
9 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
7 Squat Snatch
Barbell: 95/65lb, 43/30kg

Level 1:

For Time:
Every 8:00 x 2 Sets
15 Jumping Pull-Ups
12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
9 Hang Power Snatch
12 Jumping Pull-Ups
9 Lateral Burpee Over Bar
7 Hang Power Snatch
Barbell: 45/35lb, 20/15kg

Goal: 5:00-7:00

Score: Average Interval Time

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Consistent Pace on Barbell

Secondary Objective: Pull-Ups in 1-2 Sets

Today is going to be a dynamic upper body focus day with a bias towards upper body pulling. This squat snatch load today should be at a more moderate load that we can confidently hit under fatigue. The potential to miss is certainly there if we push the envelope too far, and that’s the main goal here – to learn our body’s capacities at a moderate loads under a little fatigue. Aim to keep the burpee pace controlled, and add 1-2 breaks into the Pull-Up Sets in order to manage upper body fatigue.

If you ake longer than 6:30 to complete the first set, reduce volume to allow you to hit the stimulus and keep the rest at a level that allows for quality reps. Ideally, this barbell will be around ~55-60% of your 1RM.

PRVN Recovery #7

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold


For Quality

3 Sets:

1:00 Run / Row / Echo (Alternating Each Set)
10/10m Banded Monster Walk
10/10m Lateral Band Walk
15 second Down Dog Gas Pedals
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge30 second
Glute Bridge Hold

Pretty straight forward cardio today.
3:00 x12 sets (each station 4 times)
however much time you have left in the 3:00 is your rest

Station 1: 400m Run

Station 2: 500/450m Row

Station 3: 30/22 Cal Echo

***we will adjust the numbers up or down so you are working between 1:30 and 2:00 per round


For Quality
3 Sets
10/10 Hip Airplanes
8 Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts
8 Dual Dumbbell Power Cleans
8 Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
:15 Dead Hang + 8 Bar Kip Swings + 4 Strict Pull-Ups or 8-10 Ring Rows

*Dumbbells at light to moderate load, under working weights

Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
4 Reps @ 65%
3 Reps @ 70%
2 Reps @ 75%
2 Reps @ 80%
2 Reps @ 80%

We are looking to tackle Deadlifts at loads that allow for us to hit some good weights, but don’t overly tax volume or really high end percentages. We are just looking for enough of a stimulus to keep things hot as we lead into the testing phase. These are a touch higher than what we tackled on Monday’s Back Squats as we are testing our 3RM in two weeks, not next week.

For Time:
3 Rounds for Time
18 Box Jump Overs
60ft Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges
18 Toe to Bar
Box: 24/20”
Dumbbells: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg

Level 2:
For Time:
3 Rounds for Time
15 Box Jump Overs
60ft Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges

15 Toe to Bar

Box: 24/20”

Dumbbells: 35/25lb, 15/12kg

Goal: 7:00-11:00

Time Cap: 15:00

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Toe to Bar in 3 Sets or Less

Secondary Objective: Consistent Pace round to round

Today, we are tackling a challenging 3 round workout that will mix a good amount of interference between movements with the grip and quads. The Box Jump Overs into the Dumbbell Walking Lunges will be a big challenge and then hanging onto the Toe to Bar sets after a challenging set of Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges will tax the grip and midline. Plan to start conservatively on the Toe to Bar here even on round 1 to minimize fatigue in the later rounds and going to smaller and smaller sets.


400m Run

:45/:45 PVC Front Rack Stretch
:45 Child’s Pose
10/10/10 Prone I/Y/T


For Quality:

10:00 AMRAP
5/5 Hang Dumbbell Snatch, Light
5 Yoga Push Ups
:15 second Wall Lean March
:10 Handstand Hold + 2/2 Shoulder Taps

For Time:

8 Rounds
15 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch
3 Wall Walk/8 Strict Handstand Push Ups
1200m Run cash out

*On rounds 1/3/5/7 you will complete walk walks. On rounds 2/4/6/8 you will complete handstand push ups.

Dumbbell: 50/35lbs (22.5/16kg)

Goal: 15:00-20:00

Time Cap: 22:00

Score: Time

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Shoulder Fatigue Management

Secondary Objective: Run @ 5k Pace

This workout will come down to managing dynamic shoulder fatigue. For the dumbbell snatches, emphasize leg drive today since we will need all of our overhead stability and pressing power on the wall each round. Aim to keep the strict handstand push-ups in consistent sets each round, breaking them from the start if you know pressing fatigue is a concern. Focus on minimizing steps to and from the wall on the wall walk to make these as efficient as possible. If you are confident with your handstand push-ups, this workout can become more of a race!

To be clear on the flow, round 1 will be 15 dumbbell snatch and 3 wall walks. Round 2 will be 15 dumbbell snatch and 8 strict handstand push-ups. Repeat this flow for 8 rounds total before leaving for the 1200m run. Start each set of Dumbbell Snatches with the opposite hand to ensure that you keep the amount even between arms.

Level 2:

For Time:

8 Rounds

15 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch

3 Wall Walk/8 Handstand Push-Up 2’’ Riser


1200m Run

*On rounds 1/3/5/7 you will complete walk walks. On rounds 2/4/6/8 you will complete handstand push ups.

Dumbbell: 35/25lb, 15/12kg

Level 1:

For Time:

8 Rounds

12 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch

2 Wall Walk/10 Strict Press


800m Run

*On rounds 1/3/5/7 you will complete walk walks. On rounds 2/4/6/8 you will complete Push Press

Dumbbell: 30/20lb, 14/9kg

Barbell: 45/35lb, 20/15kg


2 Sets, For Quality
:40 second on / :20 second off
– Row
Quadruped Thoracic Rotations (20” /each)
– Inchworm Push-Ups
– empty bar back squat

– *Barbell Complex
Barbell Complex = Tall Muscle Clean + Strict Press + Front Squat + Thruster + Jumping Back Squat

Back Squat
Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets
2 Reps @ 75%
% of 1RM Back Squat
These sets here are meant to be done with speed and form in order to really prime the system to hit a new 3RM here in the coming test phase. Work to have each set of 2 done quickly and with good force development.

“The Dodo Way of Life”
For Time:
EMOM Until 50 Thrusters Completed
Minute 1 – 16/13 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – Max Thrusters
Minute 4 – Rest
*There is a 16:00 cap on this
Barbell: 95/65lbs (43/30kg)

Level 2- 15/12 cals, 75/55lbs
Level 1- 14/11 cals, 45/35lbs

Goal: 14:00-16:00 (Finish in 4 Rounds)

Score: Time

RPE: 7/10

Primary Objective: Complete 15+ Thrusters Each Set

Secondary Objective: Complete the Row and Burpee Pull-Ups in under 45 seconds

On the final interval here before the cap, you can use you final minute 4 to finish the workout and get those 50 Thrusters completed

These high threshold intervals are going to start the week off with a bang. You should feel like you have to operate at an RPE 7-8 to get both minutes 1 & 2 done, and we’ll be getting to the thrusters under some good aerobic and total body fatigue. Pace appropriately to set yourself up with enough time to complete the workout in that fourth set as early as possible. Ideally all of our athletes are working into that 14-16 minute range and most at the beginning of that 14:00 mark.

PRVN Recovery #6

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pose

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

1:00 Child’s Pose

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