2 Sets, For Quality
1:30 Row (:45 Easy, :30 Moderate, :15 Hard)
8 Segmented Clean Deadlift (Top Down)
8 Tall Muscle Cleans
8 Front Rack Elbow Punch Throughs
8 Back Squats
4 Jumping Back squats

Add Loads
2-3 Sets
1 Segmented Clean Grip Deadlift
1 Hang Clean Pull
2 Squat Clean
5 Back squats

Load to Back Squat Weights



Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
5 Back Squats

Set 1: @ 65%
Set 2: @ 70%
Set 3: @ 70%
Set 4: @ 75%
Set 5: @ 75%


Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets
12/9 Calorie Row
3 Squat Cleans

Score = Total Load
Suggested Squat Clean Load of 70%+ of 1RM

Goal: Build to around 80-85% of 1RM Squat Clean

Stimulus: Battery Work

RPE: 7-8/10

Primary Objective: Complete each working set in under 75 seconds

Secondary Objective: Complete each set of cleans in under 30 seconds

This workout will be all about how you can cycle quick singles on the cleans. The focus will be to complete each row in under 40 seconds then complete each set of 3 Squat Cleans as 1 rep done every 10 seconds. The next step will be doing a quick adjustment of load on the barbell before tackling the next set. The goal should be to do small adjustments to the barbell load, strap in and get ready to go on the next round on the Rower.

Level 2 10/8 cals
Level 1 9/7 cals, 5 hang power cleans

Teams of 2- split how you want
Workout 1- 14 Minute Amrap
25/20 Cal Bike
5 Rope climbs
60 Wall balls
25/20 cal bike
5 Rope climbs
60 Db snatch
25/20 cal bike
5 Rope climbs
60 Toes to bar
Can you make it through a round?

Wod 2- Pull Push Pull Push
12 Minutes – split how you want
Row 30/26 cals
25 Bench (will figure weight for your team, spot your partner)
20 cleans 185/135
15 Burpees over your bar

Wod 3-5 rounds for time- 15 Minute cap
Run 200 together
20 Hspu
15 Synchro devil press

Little different today. equal reps machine and inbetween machines
35 Minute Amrap. teams of 3, split how you want
50/45 Cal Bike
50 sandbags over shoulder
50 Cal ski
50 burpees
50 cal row
50 weighted box step overs with 1 db

warm up
7:00, For Quality
1:00 Cardio Choice
20 Lateral Line Hops
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
5 Inchworm Push-Ups

For Time 30ish minute cap
400m Run
50 Wall Balls
400m Run
50/40 Calorie Row
400m Run
50 American Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
50 Burpees
400m Run
50/40 Calorie Echo

Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg
Kettlebell: 53/35lb, 24/16kg

NO 5am or 6am classes
FIRST CLASS IT AT 9am. then 4pm 5pm
DON’T SKIP because it says “overhead squats” below”
Front squats are an option.

:45/:45 Couch Stretch
12/12 Bird Dog from Crawling


For Quality
12:00 EMOM
Minute 1 – :45 second Cardio Choice
Minute 2 – 12 Banded Snatch Grip Press
Minute 3 – 10 Bar Kip Swings + 15 sec Tuck Knee Hang
Minute 4 – 12 pvc overhead squats or front squat *depending on what you are doing in the workout

12 E2MOM
3 OHS or 3 Front squats

“PRVN Cyclical”
For Reps:
12:00 AMRAP
3 Wall Walks
9 Toes to Bar
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
Dumbbell: 50/35lbs (22.5/16kg)

Level 2:
2 Wall Walks
Dumbbell: 35/25lbs
(15/12kg) 6 Toes to Bar
Level 1:
2 Wall Walks to 20in off wall
Dumbbell: 25/15lb, 12/7kg
9 Kipping Knee Raises

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Goal: 6-8 Rounds

Score: Rounds & Reps

Stimulus: Cyclical Triplet / Fast Transitions

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Attack The Transitions

Secondary Objective: Go Unbroken Where You Can

This workout is, broadly speaking, incredibly approachable in its rep scheme and movements. Assuming you have the confidence to cycle these movements, this workout is all about transitions and cycle speed – a very important skill in qualifier settings. Aerobic demand will be relatively comfortable throughout today.

Bill Sheehan Turkey Sandwich 5k. Race starts at the gym at 8:00 sharp. be there no later than 7:40am!!!

We will go over the race route at 7:45am.

See you tomorrow!

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