4 Sets, For Completion
:20 second Work
:10 second Transitions between movements
– Cardio Choice 
– Air Squats 
Inchworm Push-Ups 
Deep Lunge Mountain Climber Lunges 
Jumping Pull-Ups

Every 2:00 x 4 Sets
1 Pause Front Squat + 3 Front Squats
– Perform at 65-70% 
-Pause 1 sec

“Down With the Sickness”

For Completed Rounds
12:00 EMOM
6 Pull-Ups + 5 Burpees Over Dumbbells + 4 Dumbbell Thrusters
Dumbbells 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Score = Rounds Completed

Level 2, take one rep off each movement
Level 1, Take one rep off each movement, lighter weight and banded pull ups

Goal: 8-10 Rounds

Score: Completed Rounds
RPE: 8-9/10

Primary Objective: No Failed Rounds
Secondary Objective: Aggressive Transitions
This low rep scheme burner will have us feeling like we’re running in circles – sprinting our transitions, and trying to cycle movements quickly. It is critical today that we keep our Burpee Pace here and get right into the Dumbbell Thrusters to complete those by the top of the minute. Any rounds not fully completed before that minute interval expires will not count towards your score for the day.

PRVN Recovery #7
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

Show up! Sundays are a lot of fun.
If you don’t want to do a partner wod, you don’t have to. We can make in individual for you.

Wod 1
16 Minutes
Ski 250
30 Partner wall balls
Run 200
15 Power Cleans 155/105

Wod 2
10 Minutes
24 Toes To bar
80 Doubles (or 120 singles)

Wod 3
3 Min Row for max cals Split how you want
90 seconds Max Rep Deadlifts at 225/155
3 Minutes max SYNCHRO burpees over your bar

Score on wod 3 is cals+deadlifts+burpees

8am Endurance AND 9am CrossFit
This is a PRVN test workout we like to put into the programming sometimes. Its a good test to see where your fitness is at.
Scaling is at the bottom of the page

30:00 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 15 Burpees
Score = Rounds
Best possible score = 30 Rounds

Primary Objective: Complete 25+ rounds as prescribed
Secondary Objective: Complete each movement in under 45 seconds
Stimulus: Lactate Threshold / Mental Grit

Athlete Notes + Workout Strategy
Athletes alternate between calories on the rower and burpees each minute, every minute
on the minute (EMOM). They will have the whole first minute to complete a 15/12 Calorie
Row, then rest until the top of the next minute. Then they have the whole next minute to
complete 15 burpees. The goal with the workout is to lean into a challenging pace and see
how long you can sustain this workout.
We could share rower if one person starts on the burpees


Level 2:
30:00 minute EMOM
Min 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
Min 2: 12 Burpees
Score = Rounds
Best possible score = 30 Rounds

Level 1:
30:00 minute EMOM
Min 1: 40 second Max Cal Row
Min 2: 40 second Max Burpees
Score = Reps

Masters 55+
30:00 minute EMOM
Min 1: 12/9 Calorie Row
Min 2: 12 Burpees
Score = Rounds
Best possible score = 30 Rounds

400m Run Together
8 minute EMOM, Rotate each minute:
Minute 1: 25 feet high knees, 25 feet butt kicks
Minute 2: 5 Romanian Deadlifts + 5 Tall Muscle Cleans, +5 Strict Press, Empty Barbell
Minute 3: 5 Inchworm to Hollow + 10 Hollow Rocks
Minute 4: :40 Second Elevated Prayer Stretch

Workout Primer

3 Sets, Progressing loads to just under weight

Hang Power Clean + Push Press

Low Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk

Power Clean + Push Jerk

Rest 1:00 b/s

3×3 Quick Singles Working up to working weights
Practicing efficiency of foot work and the catch in the dip to the drive into extension and redip underneath the barbell.

“Strength and Honor”

For Time:
Work 3:00 On/1:00 Off
400m Run
-Max Clean & Jerks remaining time
Barbell: 185/125lbs (84/57kg)
Level 2 155/105 Level 1 60 percent of your 1 rep, Master 115/85
**Keep going until you reach 30 Clean and jerks
Score = Total Running Time on the Clock
Goal: 14:00-19:00

Time Cap: 6 Sets / 23:00 minutes

Stimulus: Barbell Conditioning

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: 6+ Reps per Round
Secondary Objective: Run Under 2:00
Run fast, lift heavy. This barbell should be on the challenging side, but we should be able to cycle the barbell in solid and smooth singles from the start. We want to see consistency on the run time from round to round, earning around 1:00 to push the pace on the barbell. To be clear, this is 3:00 on/1:00 off of work until you accumulate 30 reps of clean & jerks. Each 3:00 window starts with a 400m run, with whatever time remaining being used to work towards your 30 rep goal

4 Sets, Rotating Stations (8:00)
20 seconds @ Each Station
10 second transition
Scapular Push-Ups
– Side Plank (Left)
– Side Plank (Right)
Glute Bridge Hold

3 Deadlifts + 1 Banded Broad Jump, Building over 3-4 sets from 50% to 75% on the Bar
3 Bench Press + 2-3 Medball Chest Pass to the Floor, Building over 3-4 sets starting at 50% and building to 75% on the Barbell
*Make sure to talk through pairing up here and focus on ideal positions for the Deadlift and Bench Press

Every 2:00 x 12 Sets, Alternating Stations
Station 1: 3 Deadlifts + 3 Banded Broad Jumps
Station 2: 3 Bench Press + 5 Wall Ball Chest Press to Floor
Load @ 75-85% for Both Lifts
This will be 6 x 3 for both lifts

Goal: Complete all lifts @ the prescribed percentages and feel strong doing so. 
Stimulus: Absolute Strength
RPE: 6/10
Primary Objective: Increase loads on each set
Secondary Objective: Maintaining great form as the loads increase.

The workout today is a strength workout that allows us to hit these two lifts as a superset with very little interference between them. This will allow a good amount of rest time between them, which should have us feeling very good to hit the prescribed challenging loads. We are looking for you to start at 75% and increase on each set, finishing at 85%. Focus on good form and having the rep speed only slightly decrease as you get to the higher percentages.

PRVN Recovery #9
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold

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