500m Row
3 Rounds
10 Single Leg RDLs Empty Bar
5 Tempo Empty Bar Strict Press (3-Count Up & Down)
-Then- 250m Row 


5 sets of 3 deadlifts building to your wod weight. In between sets do one set of 2-5 HSPU

“Workout 18.4”
Partner up and have someone count for you. open is right around the corner. Might as well practice judging
For time:
21 deadlifts, 225/155lb.
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 225/155 lb.
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts, 225/155 lb.
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts, 315/205lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts, 315/205 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts, 315/205 lb.
50-ft. handstand walk
Time cap: 9 min.

Annie Thorisdottir: 6:34 Caroline Conners: 7:16

Check Scaling options HERE!!!!

 For today’s Open Test we want athletes who have a reasonable chance to work through today’s shorter test, to do so. If you have newer athletes, or athletes who need significant scaling, we suggest having them go through the scaled version to ensure they are still provided with a solid training stimulus. For all athletes, regardless of which version, they should be told to not go to failure early because small, fast sets are their friend when it comes to chipping-away at this WOD.

2:00 T-spine mash on Foam Roller
2:00 4-way Banded Glute Activation Steps + 5 Air Squats
AMRAP 5:00*
200m Row
5 Kip Swings
10 OHS with PVC Pipe
*Athletes may switch to Pull Ups and Empty Bar OHS after the 2nd round.

On a 12 Minute Running Clock Build to a heavy set of 3 OHS
from the floor.

AMRAP 7 Minutes
27 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
27 OHS 95/65lbs
21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
21 OHS 95/65lbs
15 Chest to bar
Max Rep OHS 95/65lbs in remaining time

Feel: Muscle Overload
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 2+ Minutes in the max rep portion of the workout, Target of 20+ OHS
Firebreather Score: 3+ Minutes in the max rep portion of the workout, Target of 40+ OHS


  • OHS: Should not exceed 2 sets in any round until the max rep portion. Reduce weight if athletes struggle to move through full ROM, or if an athlete is very challenged by mobility and cannot perform with an unweighted bar, scale to a front squat
  • CTB: Athletes should be able to perform a minimum of 10 chest to bar on their first set, otherwise scale to chin over bar pull ups or a ring row/strict assisted pull up to maintain the muscle overload

Every athletes should have 2+ minutes to accumulate reps during the max rep portion of the workout so they can “feel the burn” the OHS provides. Coaches should carefully watch their athlete’s weight selection, if the barbell is too difficult the will not get the intended stimulus of the workout

Competitor extra

3 Slow Rounds
3:00 Row @ Forever Pace
4 slow good mornings with barbell.. with light weight.
12 Pause Goblet Squats
1:00 Nose and Toes (against wall) Handstand Hold

Lunge Steps>Goblet Lunges>DB Front Rack Lunges
Light DB Strict Press>DB Push Press>DB Push Jerks
Lateral Burpees over DB (every round)
(Round 1 > Round 2 > Round 3)

Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
1-4 Seated Strict Muscle Ups (Low rings)
Use a band as a modification to allow every athlete the ability to practice this drill


AMRAP 6 Minutes x 2
12 DB Push Jerks 50s/35s
25′ DB Front Rack Lunge 50s/35s
2 Burpee Muscle Ups
25′ DB Front Rack Lunge 50s/35s
Rest 3:00 between AMRAPs, Pick up where you left off.

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 5+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: 8+ Rounds

  • DB Push Jerk: Should never be more than 2 sets, ideally 1 set the majority of the workout. Scale weight before reps.
  • Lunge: Should always be able to lunge 25’ unbroken without hesitation.
  • Burpee Muscle Up: Should not exceed :30 at any point or coaches should reduce to 1 rep. If muscle ups aren’t developed yet, scale to the most difficult burpee pull up option the athlete can perform consistently.

    Coach Focus: For today’s workout to provide a gassy stimulus coaches must ensure athletes can stay moving steadily for both 6 minute AMRAPs. The small-ish doses of movements and the metabolic demand they have are what provide the stimulus, so coaches need to ensure that athletes stay moving. Your best athlete should be able to get a round every 90-to-100 seconds, but everyone should be able to do 2+ rounds in each AMRAP

    Competitor extra outside

    AMRAP 3 Minutes

Max Distance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Max Distance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
MAxDistance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Max Distance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 3 Minutes Max Distance Row/Ski

6 Minute C2 Machine
0:00-3:00-Forever Pace
3:00-5:00-Sustain Pace
5:00-6:00-Reach Pace

Split Jerk Warm Up
20 Band Pull Aparts (10 palms up, 10 palms down)
10 Plank Shoulder Taps (ASlowAP)
10 Strict Presses
10 Push Press
5 Empty Bar Split Jerks, Pause in the catch

Build up a little past your 50 percent for the wod, then take weights off and leave on 50 percent for your first round of the wod

AMRAP 24 Minutes
20/15 Calorie C2 Machine (Row/ski preference)
1 Split Jerk*
*Start at ~50% of 1RM and add weight each round
Bar is taken from the rack

Competitor extra. Head outside for this one so you dont run over into the next class

5 Rounds
5 Front Squats 70%+
11 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Rest 1:00
*Athletes can add weight if they are able to stay UB on the Front Squats. Percentage is based on Squat Clean max and is taken from the floor.

2:00 Couch Stretch (1:00 per leg)
3:00 Machine, Increasing intensity each minute
40 Single Leg Glute bridges
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
10 Jump Squats for Height

Second to last back squat session

Back Squat
5×5 @ 97.5% 5RM from test week
All sets are at the same weight.
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets. This is your last week of percentage work before your 5RM re-test. Keep weights the same across all 5 sets.

Extra- For time with a partner

For Time
15 Devils Presses 50s/35s
40 Pull Ups
15 Devils Presses 50s/35s
40 Pull Ups
15 Devil’s Presses 50s/35s

1 162 163 164 165 166 533