Turkey Sandwich 5k prep
Teams of 2, you go i go
200m (each person runs 1)
*this is 2.5 miles each. this could be done on a rower if you cant run. if you dont this 2.5 miles is doable, take the second 800 out.

9am endurance
2-3 Sets, For Quality 
1:00 Cardio Choice 
5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch 
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge
5/5 Single Arm Ring Rows w/ Rotation
10 Alternating Step-Ups


10 Rounds @ Steady State Intensity 
100ft (30m) Farmers Carry 
7 Pull-Ups 
200m Run 
10 Box Jump Overs 
250/200m Row 
3 Wall Walks

*adjust pull ups down a little if you have done that volume lately. adjust box jump overs to step overs if you want.
*cap it 35 minutes unless your close to finishing

Part A)
6:00 minutes, For Quality
60 second Machine Choice
10 x (Push-Up + 2 Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers)
10 Dead-Bug Heel Taps
(5 Single Arm Upright Row + 5 Single Arm Strict Press) / Arm

Part B) 6:00 minutes
Barbell Technique Primer
Tall Clean
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Tall Jerk
Jerk Balance

*Work a few rotations through here building light loads before ultimately going to the floor and building towards 70% on the Barbell.

Clean & Jerk Complex
Every 3:00 minutes x 5 Sets
3 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk

Starting @ 70% of 1RM Clean and Jerk and building to a heavy for the day
The goal here today is to challenge the ability to hit and maintain positions in the hang before hitting a Split Jerk under fatigue. Every cycle leads and builds from the last, so the work we put into refining technique on the Split Jerk should really help as we move into more time under tension with the barbell complex.

10 Rounds
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Bar Facing Burpees
Load: 135/95lb, 61/43kg

Level 2- 115/75
Level 1- lower weight and if you are really new take the clean from the hang

Goal: 4:00-7:00 minutes

Time Cap: 10:00

Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Quad Stamina

RPE: 9/10

Primary Objective: Complete each round in under :50 seconds

Secondary Objective: Even pacing across all 10 rounds

We tackled this week 1 of the cycle and now we are coming back around to tackle it during our test week here to see how our capacity and ability has changed with these movement patterns. The goal here is to hit the Barbell as quick singles and then move to fast bar facing burpees to finish. If you look back at your time week 1, you should be able to create a great plan of attack on how to get after the workout today.

30 seconds, Each Movement
-Alternating Arm Swings
-Back Slaps
-Wrist Circles
-Trunk Rotations
-Hip Circles
-Bow and Bend
-Down Dog Toe Touches
-Quarter Squat Reactive Jumps

2 Sets, For Quality
3 Hang Snatch High Pull
3 Hang Muscle Snatch
3 Hang Power Snatch
5 Overhead Squats
7 Bar Kip Swings
9 Hollow Rocks

8:00 EMOM
1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
Perform @ 70%+
Look to start at 70% and ideally build close to 100% of your 1RM Power Snatch for the Day. Big cues are patience, then speed through the middle.

“Saw Red”

5 rounds for time
400m Run
8 Overhead Squats
15 toes to bars
Load: 135/95lb, 61/43kg

Level 2-95/65 and 12-15 toes to bar
Level 1-65/45 and 12-15 knee raises or 15 sit ups


2:00 Cardio Choice

3 Sets, For Quality
5 Inchworm Push-Ups
10/10 Staggered Stance Kettlebell Deadlift
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
:20 seconds of Jump Rope Practice

“Boss D.J.”

For Time:
30 Deadlifts
20 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
25 Deadlifts
25 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
20 Deadlifts
30 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
Load: 225/155lb, 102/70kg

Level 2:
For Time:
30 Deadlifts
10 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
25 Deadlifts
15 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
20 Deadlifts
20 Handstand Push-Ups
100 Double Unders
Load:185/125lb, 84/57kg

Level 1:

For Time:
30 Deadlifts
10 Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups
150 Single Unders
25 Deadlifts
15 Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups
150 Single Unders20 Deadlifts
20 Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups
150 Single Unders
Load:50% of 1RM

Goal Time Domain: 15:00-20:00

Time Cap: 25:00

Primary Objective: Maintain Sets of 5+ Reps per set on Deadlifts and Handstand Push-Ups

Secondary Objective: Complete each set of Double Unders in under 90 seconds

Stimulus: Posterior Chain and Upper Body Interference

RPE: 8/10

Notes: This workout is a fun and challenging chipper with the workout starting similarly to Diane with our first set of Deadlifts at 30 repetitions. We should pick a load that is somewhere around the range of 50% of our 1RM with the max allowable % at 60%. We will work to keep sets in the range of 5-10 at a time throughout the workout. We will then move to Handstand Push-Ups with the goal of maintaining sets of 5+ and trying to get through these as close to 15 reps in 1:00 as possible with the expectation that the last set of 30 reps might take up to 2:30 with cumulative fatigue settling in. For Dubs, we suggest hitting sets of 25-50 at a time and managing shoulder interference here to keep things smooth and consistent.


Part A)
8:00 minutes, For Quality
:30 second Row @ Moderate Pace
5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch
8 Bootstrap Squats
10 Cossack Squats

Part B)
10 Empty Barbell Back Squats
5 Back Squats @ 40-50%
3 Back Squats @ 50-60%
3 Back Squats @ 60-70%

Find 3 rep max backsquat
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
3 Back Squats
Stay on the 3:00 but if you need an extra or attempt or 2, or some more rest, do that.

Starting @ 70-75% and Building to a New 3RM, suggestion is to build by about 5% on each set. Goal of the day is to build to around 95% of our 1RM for 3RM.

“Bad Fish”
2:00 AMRAP / 1:00 Rest
8 Goblet Squats
12 Wall Balls
– Max Calorie Row

*Continue Until 75/60 Calories
Kettlebell: 70/53lb, 32/24kg / Dumbbell 70/50lb, 32/22.5kg
Wall Balls: 20/14lb, 10/9ft

Level 2:
2:00 AMRAP / 1:00 Rest
8 Goblet Squats
12 Wall Balls
– Max Calorie Row
*Continue Until 75/60 Calories
Kettelbell: 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Dumbbell 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Wall Balls: 20/14lb, 10/9ft

Level 1:
2:00 AMRAP / 1:00 Rest
8 Goblet Squats
12 Wall Balls
– Max Calorie Row
*Continue Until 60/48 Calories
Kettelbell: 44/26lb, 20/12kg
Dumbbell: 40/30lb, 20/14kg
Wall Balls: 14/10lb, 6/4kg

Goal: 5 rounds / Finishing time of 13:00-14:00

Time Cap: 17:00

Primary Objective: Complete the Goblet Squats + Wall Balls in under 1:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Complete 15/12 Calories on each set on the Rower

Stimulus: Leg Stamina / Anaerobic

RPE: 9/10

Notes: This is going to be a nice little challenge here of hitting a hard effort on the Squats, right into the Row and then finishing off the row at a hard charging pace to get as far as you can in each segment. We can start off on a minute or 90 second delay to allow for all athletes to hit this as is today, or turn this into an EMOM with minute 1: being the combined Squats & Wall Balls, and minute 2 being the Row, then minute 3 being the rest.

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