Its a double strength day. Don’t skip if you don’t like snatching. we’ll make it work
3 Minutes Machine
Coach lead barbell positional work/warm up

Strength 1

Weightlifting (this will end up being 30 snatches)
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
Every 2:30 x 5 Sets
Rest 10-15 seconds
Rest 10-15 seconds

Starting @ 70% of Power Snatch and increasing each set
The complex is meant to be touch and go! We will do 1 Power Snatch, followed by a Touch and Go Squat Snatch, then rest 10-15 seconds and do this 3 x in every set. Over the course of 5 sets we are meant to build and increase loads during this weightlifting piece.

Strength 2
Back Squat
Every 2:30 x 5 Sets
5 Back Squats

Set1: @ 75%
Set 2: @ 75%
Set 3: @ 80%
Set 4: @ 80%
Set 5: @ 85%

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal To build strength, improve positional stability, and develop confidence under heavy loads while maintaining proper form and control.
Stimulus A moderate-to-heavy loading scheme that progressively increases intensity over 5 sets. The focus is on smooth, controlled reps with consistent tempo and depth. Expect a strong demand on the legs and core, with an elevated heart rate by the later sets due to accumulated fatigue.
Primary Objective: Develop lower body strength by targeting the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and spinal stabilizers. Build consistency and confidence with sub-maximal loading to prepare for heavier lifts in future training cycles.
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Sets 1 & 2 (75%): RPE 6-7 – Challenging but manageable; focus on solid form.
Sets 3 & 4 (80%): RPE 7-8 – Moderate effort; maintain control and speed out of the hole.
Set 5 (85%): RPE 8-9 – Heavy; approach with focus, ensuring proper bracing and execution.


PRVN Recovery #5

1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch

1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch

1:00 Seated Chest Stretch

1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch

Wod 1
12 Minutes
18 Handstand push ups
14 Sychro DB snatches
4 Rope climbs

Wod 2
16 Minutes- partner
80 foot yoke carry (partners can split 40 feet/ 40 feet
10 Sandbags over yoke
80 foot yoke carry
30 cal ski

Wod 3-
3 Times through
3 minutes
500 meter row
max power cleans 155/105
Rest 1 minute
*how are you going to split this work??? switch on the row, have one person row? its ups to you!!

Extra if you want
Bring Sally Up Back squat Challenge

35 Minutes, teams of 3
40 cal row
40 Cal ski
30 burpees
Between every movement team does 12 sled pushes, down and back is 2.

8:00, For Quality
:30 second Alternating Cossack Squats
:30 second Wall Sit
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
5 Box Jumps
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings


For Time
Every 10:00 x 3 Sets
3 Rounds
300m Run
14 Box Jumps 24/20’’
12 Toe to Bar *this will end up being almost 100 toes to bar, scale this part if you havent dont that volume in awhile

Primary Objective: Complete each interval in under 7:30
Secondary Objective: Consistency across all sets

Stimulus: Threshold Training

10:00 minutes, For Quality
10/10 Line Hops (Forward and Back / Lateral)
10 Bend and Bows
6/6 Single Arm Upright Rows
6/6 Single Arm Strict Press
4 No Jump Burpees
:30/:30 second Samson Stretch

Specific Workout Primer
Build to Working Loads on the Dumbbells + Practice and Get Ready for Double Unders
16 Double Unders or Single Unders
4 Alternating Single Arm Devils Press
24 Double Unders or Single Unders
6 Alternating Single Arm Devils Press

PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #1:
For time:
10 Rounds of:
32 Double-Unders
8 Alternating Single-Arm Devil’s Press
Dumbbell: (50/35 lb or 22.5/15 kg)

Scaled / Level 2:
10 Rounds of:
32 Single-Unders
8 Alternating Single-Arm Devil’s Press
Dumbbell: (35/25lb, 15/12kg)

Level 1:
10 Rounds of:
32 Single-Unders
8 Alternating Single-Arm Devil’s Press
Dumbbell: 25/15lb, 12/7kg

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Time Domain: 8:00-13:00
Time Cap: 15:00

Score = Time
A moderate-duration conditioning piece that tests coordination, shoulder endurance, and work capacity. The high-rep double-unders demand efficient rope management, while the single-arm devil’s presses challenge stability, core strength, and full-body power.
RPE: ~8/10 – Athletes should be working hard, pushing the pace, but still maintaining quality reps. Breathing should be heavy, but not completely maxed out.
Primary Objective: Maintain consistent sets of double-unders to minimize time spent on rest or missed reps.
Secondary Objective: Keep a smooth, steady cadence on devil’s presses—transitioning quickly between arms without pausing or losing core tension.
Coaching Tips:
Double-Unders: Encourage athletes to relax the shoulders, keep elbows in, and find a consistent rhythm. Remind them to breathe and stay calm—unbroken or near-unbroken sets will save time.
Devil’s Press: Emphasize proper technique—keep the back flat when bringing the dumbbell from the floor to overhead, and use hips for power. Alternate arms every rep and focus on fluid transitions.
Pacing: Athletes should start at a controlled pace and increase if they feel good after a few rounds. Avoid coming out too hot and burning out early.
Scaling Options:
Look at the divisions for the day
For devil’s presses, choose a lighter dumbbell if the given weight is too heavy to maintain proper form.
Steady, consistent efforts on double-unders and smooth, unbroken sets of devil’s presses will lead to the best overall time. Short breaks—if needed—should be kept minimal and occur between movements, not during.

8:00 minutes: For Quality
9/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
8 Bootstrap Squats
:10 second Chin Over Bar Hold
:30/:30 Side Plank

Every 2:00 x 20 Sets (5 @ Each Station)
Station 1: 10 Ring Rows + 200m Run + 10 Air Squats
Station 2: 16/12 Calorie Echo Bike + 16 Renegade Rows
Station 3: 16/13 Calorie Row + 100ft (30m) Farmers Carry
Station 4: 1:00 Accumulated Plank Hold
Dumbbells: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Kettlebells: 70/53lb, 32/24kg

Level 2:
Every 2:00 x 20 Sets (5 @ Each Station)
Station 1: 8 Ring Rows + 200m Run + 8 Air Squats
Station 2: 14/11 Calorie Echo Bike + 14 Renegade Rows
Station 3: 14/11 Calorie Row + 100ft (30m) Farmers Carry
Station 4: 1:00 Plank Hold
Dumbbells: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Kettlebells: 70/53lb, 32/24kg

Level 1:
Every 2:00 x 20 Sets (5 @ Each Station)
Station 1: 8 Ring Rows + 150m Run + 8 Air Squats
Station 2: 12/9 Calorie Echo Bike + 12 Renegade Rows
Station 3: 12/9 Calorie Row + 100ft (30m) Farmers Carry
Station 4: 1:00 Plank Hold
Dumbbells: 35/25lb, 15/12kg
Kettlebells: 53/35lb, 24/16kg

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Primary Objective:
Complete each station’s prescribed work within the 2:00 window for all 20 sets. Maintain steady output without falling behind the clock.

Secondary Objective:
Focus on quality of movement—strict ring rows, full-depth air squats, controlled renegade rows, stable farmer’s carries, and proper plank positioning.

A long-duration, moderate-intensity conditioning piece blending bodyweight movements, simple gymnastics, and cyclical elements. This workout tests steady-state endurance, grip strength, midline stability, and overall work capacity.

RPE: ~7/10
The effort should be sustainable. Athletes will feel challenged but not at their limit—breathing will be elevated, and muscles will fatigue gradually, but they should remain in control throughout.

Coaching Tips:

  • Pacing: Encourage athletes to find a smooth, repeatable rhythm. They should aim to finish each station with a little time to spare for transition rather than racing the clock.
  • Technique: Reinforce proper form, especially on renegade rows (flat back, controlled pull), ring rows (no kip), and farmer’s carry (shoulders back, core braced).
  • Scaling: If someone struggles to complete work on time, reduce reps slightly. The goal is consistent effort and movement quality across all 20 sets.

Mindset: Athletes should treat this as a controlled endurance challenge, focusing on steady breathing and maintaining composure through fatigue

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