Wednesday 9/28
WE ARE CLOSED. We will open ASAP.
check back for details. we are planning on opening friday mid morning for a couple hours, then closing up at 11 and getting ready to host the friday night throwdown.
If you have equipment at home i will leave this posted.
Warm Up 2 Rounds
10 Cal Ski
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
:10 Empty Barbell Review w/ Coach 5 Front Squats
5 Pow Pos Clean High Pull 5 Power Position Clean
5 Hang Clean
5 Squat Clean
:15 Strength:
Every :30 for 10:00 (20 reps)
1 Squat Clean
Sets 1-5: all performed with a Tempo Pull
Sets 6-16: build to a heavy but perfect clean (no tempo pull)
Sets 17-20: reduce weight and finish with 4 perfect reps
:35 WOD:
For Time 30-20-10
Calorie Row (at home workout sub burpees)
Front Squat 135/95lbs (at home workout sub squats with some kind of weight.. a bag of dog food? anything you can find will work)
*50′ HS Walk after each set (3 total)
Target Score- Sub 14 Min
Front Squat: Should not exceed 3 sets
Row: Should not exceed 2:00/1:30/1:00 to complete. HSW: Scaled to 3-4 Wall Walks

***row equivalents
Run (road): 300-250-200m Ski: 1:1 (proficient skiers)
:55 Cool Down:
Childs Pose