Fran Day.
The most well known bench mark workout in CrossFit. A couple different options.
“Friendly Fran” and regular Fran.
*If you don’t have a baseline time for regular Fran OR you want to beat your old time we would suggest trying regular Fran. It’s a good test of fitness.
*Friendly Fran will be time capped at 12 minutes. It’s a lot of volume meant to be done with intensity. It’s a more advanced version of “Fran”
Warm up-
2 rounds
10 Pass throughs
10 kip swings
10 Squats.
Then grab a barbell
2 rounds
5 Front squats
5 Push press
5 Thrusters FOCUSING on not pressing the bar until hips are at full extension
5 Pull ups (kipping jumping or butterfly
Workout options
21-15-9 Thrusters and pull ups 95/65
Pick a weight where you only have to break the 21 once or not at all. Pick a pull up option that allows you to do the same, 3 sets of 7 would be the most you would want to break that first round.
*this is an excellent workout to test your fitness and help set goals for yourself whether is for a faster times or not scaling pull ups
Friendly Fran
3 Rounds for Time
21 Thrusters (115/85 lb)
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 minute time cap. If its taking you longer than 2 minutes to complete any set of 21 consider scaling both movements back.

Accessory work
200 Doubles or 5 Mintues practice
3 sets of 7 sots press
3 sets of 10 each arm single arm strict db press