Wednesday May 5th

Snatch barbell warm up focusing on power position start into a full snatch. Break the lift down and rebuild it

learning to pull under the bar actively, is often something CrossFit athletes struggle to learn. do not allow yourself to heave/hip snatch these reps. We are looking for athletes to deadlift the bar to the hip, sink to power position, pause, and then violently extend their hips without re-dipping, before pulling themselves aggressively under the bar.

Every :90 for 12 Minutes
3 Power Position Snatches full snatch

10 Rounds
10/7 Cals
30 Double Unders
Rest 1:00
25 minute cap

Target Score: 6+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: Completing all 10 Rounds
*this workout is intended NOT to be finished by very many people. Shoot for 6 rounds. looking for 25 minutes of work.
HSPU: Never more than 2 sets but are ideally 1 through the whole workout. Scale to Push Ups or DB Push Press to preserve the pressing stimulus.
Calories: Should not exceed :45 in any round
Double Unders: Reduce reps to preserve intensity. ≤:30 seconds each round of practice.

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