Wednesday March 4th

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
50 Double Unders or Singles
10 Empty Bar Good Mornings
5 Empty Bar Clean High Pulls
5 Empty Bar Hang Cleans
5 Empty Bar Front Squats

14 Min EoMOM (7 Total Sets)
1 Squat Clean + 2 Front Squat
So every other minute for 14 minutes you’ll go through 1 Squat Clean and then keep it on your shoulders to complete 2 Front Squats. Use around 50-65% of your Clean 1 max for the complex.

Workout: Capped on the hour
“Will Lindsay”
10 Rounds
3 Devils Press 50/35
22 Alternating Dumbbell Lunges 50/35
19 Air Squats
**Vest Optional**
–Coaches Notes–
This workout can be done with or without a vest. A video is posted below if you haven’t done a Devils Press in class yet, if you haven’t tried them yet warm up with lighter dumbbells then get to a comfortable working weight. With the workout being a majority of lower body movements choose a weight that will be something you can move well and keep your working sets at the same rep count. You shouldn’t need to ditch a heavy DB weight mid workout.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1:
Chin Ups
If you need to you can use bands for these as well.

Option 2:
Glute Bridges (Video Posted Below)
For these you can use a barbell either from the bench, as shown in the video below, or from the ground. A DB or KB can also be used from the ground.