Wednesday March 16th

2 Minutes Banded Glute Activation Steps + 5 Squats every 10 Steps
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
8/6 Calorie Assault Air Bike
8 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Steady Cossack Squats in remaining time

Sumo Deadlift 4-4-3-3-2-2-2 AHAP
*May sub out traditional deadlift
*keep in mind a true “as heavy as possible” deadlift session could take upwards of an entire hour. We’re not exactly looking for a two rep max today, keep it heavy, but keep it safe.

AMRAP 12 Minutes
10 Cals (NO mix and match today, stick with one and post the machine in your notes)
8 Toes to Bar
6 Hang Power Cleans 185/135

This clean is moderate or even light for some in the gym. For some its not a weight they are at yet and they’ll go lighter. thats the beauty of crossfit. we all get to push each other not matter where we are at. Use the rx weight if you can keep a majority of the rounds unbroken for 6 reps.
If you can’t, pick a weight thats going to be a fight for 6 unbroken reps.