Wednesday June 30th

DB Strict Press
DB Row 3x Double Under

Strength 3 Max Sets
Bodyweight Bench Press
Rest 3:00 Scale: 75% or 50% of BW

AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3
20 Double Unders
10 SDLHP 75/55lbs
20 Double Unders
10 STOH 75/55lbs
Rest 2:00 beween AMRAPs, resume where you left off

Feel: Conditioning
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 9+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: EMOM or Faster

Scaling:Double Unders: :20 of Practice or Single Unders
SDLHP/STOH: Should remain UB for the entire workout or reduce weight.

Today is an excellent day to remind athletes “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” The barbell weight will be very enticing for athletes who look to go “RX”, but stimulus is more important. Athlete must be able to move the barbell fast, unbroken, and with quality ROM for the entire duration of the workout if they are performing it RX.